Alexei Zagorulko poluhilov in vain on Iturup

The former deputy head of Spetsstroy, Alexander Zagorulko, was sentenced to eight years of strict regime and a fine of 10 million rubles. He was charged with a bribe and fraud amounting to more than $ 1 billion at military facilities in the Moscow region and the Kuril Islands.
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The Shcherbinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the former deputy head of the Federal Agency for Special Construction (abolished in 2016) Alexander Zagorulko to eight years of strict regime and a fine of 10 million rubles. in the case of three episodes of fraud and bribes in the construction of military facilities with damage of more than 1 billion rubles. About this RBC said the press secretary of the court Svetlana Ekhtanigova.

The verdict was passed on March 4th. After leaving the colony, Zagorulko will not be able to hold positions in the civil service and in local government bodies associated with organizational, administrative, administrative and economic powers for five years, the representative of the court added.

Zagorulko was involved in the theft of a number of military facilities. According to the plot of the case, the contractors, in agreement with Spetsstroy, overestimated the estimated cost of construction projects, stealing the difference between the allocated budget funds and the real costs. In particular, the repair of the military camp Chernyshevskiy barracks on Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya street in Moscow cost the budget 825 million rubles, although in reality it cost 400 million rubles.

There were also episodes related to the construction of an arsenal for rockets and other ammunition in the town of Toropts in the Tver Region, facilities in the Kubinka town near Moscow and on the Kuril island of Iturup. Officials received kickbacks from entrepreneurs, and not only in cash. In particular, Zagorulko got the GAZ-21 Volga for 1.5 million rubles. and Lexus 470 for 4.5 million rubles., Kommersant wrote. Zagorulko gave testimony to the ex-head of Spetsstroy, General Alexander Volosov, the publication reported, but he was not brought to criminal responsibility, since the testimony was not confirmed.

In December 2016, Spetsstroy was disbanded by presidential decree. Experts associated this decision with corruption scandals in the department.

In addition to Zagorulko, another deputy head of Spetsstroy, Alexander Buryakov, as well as businessmen Kadyr Karakhanov, Vakha Artsygov and Arsen Oshakbayev, took part in the case.

Zagorulko, like most of the accused, pleaded guilty and made a deal with the investigation; He was awaiting his sentence under house arrest. Buryakov was also convicted in a special order and received five years in prison, on appeal this term was reduced by three months.

The case of the Interior Ministry investigator Andrei Khodko is connected with the case of Zagorulko and Buryakov, who is charged by the TFR with theft of material evidence - currencies amounting to about 50 million rubles. The cash was seized in a Karakhanov bank, was kept for a while in Khodko’s office, but disappeared later. The disappearance came to light after the transfer of the case from the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Main Military Investigation Department of the TFR. In the fall of 2018, Khodko was arrested on charges of particularly large embezzlement (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code).

In June 2018, the Dorogomilovsky Court of Moscow arrested the unemployed Magomed Gadzhiyev and Roman Galushko on suspicion of abducting FSB’s former top manager of the Special Construction Directorate of the FSB Alexander Pastushkov, wrote Kommersant. He was kidnapped on Autumn Boulevard in Moscow. After the torture with an electric iron and a soldering iron, Pastushkov pointed out to the kidnappers where his friend Alexander Zagorulko keeps money. On the territory of the site of the former deputy Spetsstroy in the cottage settlement "Yekaterinovka" on the Rublevskoye highway, they dug out a keg of dollars. The next day, the kidnappers were detained, they found an amount equivalent to 100 million rubles., Kommersant reported.