Apothecary business: Rotenberg's partner will create pharmaceutical register

Chairman of the Board of Directors of SMP Bank, Artem Obolensky, has created a company that wants to keep track of all the turnover of medicines in Russia
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On the establishment of the company Forbes said a source close to the belonging to Arkady and Boris Rotenberg SMP Bank. According to him, Obolensky, a shareholder and a member of the board of directors in the top ten companies, businesses which are related Rothenberg ( "National Gas Group" Rusgazdobycha, Russian Oil Company, the factory «Crystal», Olpon Investments, Nakhodka and Maritimes plants fertilizers and other. ) in July registered the company "Platform", which was the founder of the pharmaceutical National registry (NFR).

This information was confirmed by director general Nikolai Duksin NFR. According to him, the company wants to benefit all participants in the pharmaceutical market to create a platform that will bring together information from all existing specialized databases: State Register of medicinal products, the registry of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, and other Roszdravnadzor registry. Access to the system will be paid, instead of its users will be cost reduction tool.

The task of creating a single register of medicinal products is a long time, and the likedevelopment already have many market participants, said the executive director of "Pharmaceutical Partnership" Garik Tadevosyan: "Everyone understands that the creation of a unified system of accounting products will be profitable and useful to all players. But while all registries combine under one roof could not be anyone and, if such a project is implemented, will benefit all. " He believes that this register should be mandatory for all, but at the same time and be available free to all. "And if necessary, the state has to some extent offset these costs, because a single directory, the registry will lead to the optimization of business processes, reduce costs and increase revenues, and hence to an increase in tax deductions," - he suggests.

From the creation of the registry will benefit all, including the government, said the head of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent deals including patents on medicines) Gregory Ivliev. "This is a serious help in the effective fight against counterfeiting and, at the same time, guarantee the authenticity of the purchased products. This Internet access ispnaya market prices of medicines, as well as price control tool on the life-saving and essential drugs ", - he said.

A single open and free registry of patents approved drugs and drugs in clinical studies with convenient navigation and search would be useful for the industry, agrees Anton CSAC founder Atem Capital Fund invests in US pharmaceutical companies. "The question is whose interests and who will pay for it. If these developments will be paid by the state, it is important to show a significant gain for the budget for the foreseeable horizon, for example, inventory management and warehouse and so on. If no services imposed are not the private sector and the whole story would be entirely automation within the public sector with obvious savings in respect to the budget short horizon with the publication of a single registry for general use - it sounds, at first glance, well, "- said CSAC.

The Ministry of Health and Roszdravnadzor did not provide comment.