Colonel Zakharchenko was sent to court

The case of a former officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, who collected more than 9 billion rubles in foreign currency at his apartment, was completed.
The criminal case of the former deputy director of the "T", GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Colonel of Police Dmitry Zakharchenko was sent to court. Investigation of the crimes committed by the ex-policeman received special public resonance after about 9 billion rubles were seized during the searches in the apartments of the relatives of the colonel. in a different currency. While Dmitry Zakharchenko incriminated three episodes of bribes, but the investigation into him on other facts continues.

The official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SCR) Svetlana Petrenko reported today that the criminal case of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko was sent to court.

Dmitry Zakharchenko, who at that time was the deputy head of the T department (fighting crime in the fuel sector) of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Russian Interior Ministry, was detained in the autumn of 2016. At the same time in the trunk of his car FSB operatives found about 20 million rubles. The colonel was detained, and then arrested. The searches in the numerous apartments of the relatives of the policeman, located mainly in the prestigious districts of Moscow, led to sensational results. In the apartment, recorded for the Colonel's half-sister, in various currencies was about 8 billion rubles. And in total it was seized about 9 billion rubles.

The investigation caused a huge response. The Ministry of Internal Affairs conducted an internal audit, according to which several high-ranking officials received severe disciplinary sanctions, and the "T" administration was liquidated (now the management of the "R" GUEBCU is fighting against natural resources crime).

Why did the TFR require that the term of the former policeman's acquaintance with the criminal case be limited
Why did the TFR require that the term of the former policeman's acquaintance with the criminal case be limited
In the case of Colonel Zakharchenko three episodes. Two of them, as he told Kommersant, refer to bribes obtained, according to investigators, by police officers from the owner of the restaurant La Maree of Cuy Doussa. According to the investigation, in 2014 Zakharchenko and his accomplice from law enforcement officers initiated inspections by the controlling authorities of a number of restaurateur companies. Understanding that in such circumstances business would be impossible to conduct, the entrepreneur was forced to transfer Zakharchenko and his accomplice $ 800 thousand. At the same time, according to the TFR, initially the attackers demanded to transfer $ 5 million to them.

In 2015, Zakharchenko for general patronage demanded from the same businessman a discount card with which the former policeman saved 3.5 million rubles, paying in the restaurant. As they say in the case materials, on average the account for one visit of the institution was 80 thousand rubles, respectively, Zakharchenko received a discount - 40 thousand rubles. In one case, a 50% discount in the restaurant reached 135 thousand rubles.

Another episode is connected with the case of embezzlement in JSC Electrozavod. According to investigators, in January 2016, Dmitry Zakharchenko, having heard about the searches in the nota bank, where the company had accounts, were warned by his acquaintance - the financial director of the credit institution Galina Marchukova. This allowed "to organize the export of all documents and office equipment to prevent their withdrawal."

"The investigation collected a sufficient evidentiary base, in connection with which the criminal case with the approved indictment was sent to the court for consideration on the merits," the RKF said. In addition, the Kommersant office reported that the investigation into Dmitry Zakharchenko in other episodes continues, and in the future, perhaps, new criminal cases will appear.

The money of Colonel Zakharchenko did not reach the budget

On May 30, it became known that the SCR is conducting a pre-investigation check on the theft of money seized from Colonel GUEBiPK Dmitry Zakharchenko. By decision of the Nikulinsky district court that satisfied the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Treasury was to receive 374 million rubles, $ 140 million and € 2 million, but after the beginning of the enforcement proceedings it became clear that there was no confiscation in rubles and currency in the amount of about 120 million rubles. In theft, bankers, policemen and investigators are suspected. According to sources of Kommersant in law enforcement agencies, there were not enough money left in recounting the assets of the former Sakhalin governor Alexander Khoroshavin, converted into state revenue.