Denis Nikandrov laid Alexander Draymanov not in vain

The former Major-General of Justice, who gave testimony to his ex-boss, escaped the confiscation of property and was given the right to a UDO.
The former first deputy head of the SKU SKR Moscow Denis Nikandrov, who received a conviction on Thursday for bribery, not only saved his property from confiscation and avoided a multimillion-dollar fine, but within a year and seven months he will be able to qualify for parole, and then return altogether on the civil service. For this, the former Major-General of Justice actually handed over the FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office to the head of the Moscow committee head, Alexander Drymanov. However, the source of Kommersant asserts that Mr. Drymanov himself began to cooperate with the investigation.

Because of the fact that the case of Denis Nikandrov was considered by the Moscow City Court in a special order in closed mode, the presiding Andrei Rasnovsky announced only the introductory and operative parts of the verdict, which took no more than five minutes. Recognizing the guilt of Denis Nikandrov in committing a crime under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving a bribe in an especially large amount), the judge appointed him five years and six months of a strict-regime colony, which in the course of the parties' discussions requested state prosecution. The judge, like the prosecutor asked, deprived Mr. Nikandrov of the rank of Major-General of Justice, forbidding him to hold positions in the civil service for three years after his imprisonment. At the same time, applying to the convict additional punishment in the form of a fine of 65 million rubles, on which the prosecutor insisted, the court did not. Accordingly, from the arrest were released house, apartment and bank accounts Denis Nikandrov.
If the verdict remains the same, and the defense of the convict has reported that he will appeal against him with regard to the excessive punishment, Mr. Nikandrov can receive parole after a year and seven months.

The criminal case against Denis Nikandrov on materials of the FSB in 2016 was personally initiated by Alexander Bastrykin. For the latter, this was far from an ordinary event, since General Nikandrov for five years was an investigator for particularly important cases under the chairman of the TFR. It was he who understood the circumstances of taking bribes by the head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee Dmitry Dovgiy, the affairs of YUKOS and prosecutors who protected the illegal gambling establishments in the Moscow region.

As established by the FSB, which the case against General Nikandrov for further investigation was transferred to the Prosecutor General's Office, in the summer of 2016 businessman and former intelligence officer Dmitry Smychkovsky received $ 1 million to release the detainee for extorting the criminal authority Andrei Kochuykova (Italian), who was the closest associate of the thief in law Zakhar Kalashov (Shakro the Younger). Mr. Smychkovsky, believes the investigation, left $ 200,000 for mediation, and also handed the same number to the then head of the SU RAS for the Central District of Moscow, Alexei Kramarenko, whose subordinates investigated the case of the Italian. Then he gave $ 600 thousand to the head of the main department of interdepartmental cooperation and his own security of the TFR, Mikhail Maksimenko, who, having left himself $ 200 thousand, transferred the rest of the money to Alexander Drymanov, the head of the State Security Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow. According to the investigation, Denis Nikandrov, who supervised the investigation in the Central Administrative District, received his share of $ 200 thousand for the Italian.

Andrei Kochuykov was retrained for arbitrariness, but he was detained again at the outlet from the SIZO. The police, after receiving a racket case, brought him to court, on the verdict of which the Italian received eight years and nine months, and Shakro the youngest - ten years and ten months in prison.

Once in jail, Denis Nikandrov concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement with the Prosecutor General's Office, within which he pleaded guilty and testified about participation in the corruption scheme of Alexander Drymanov, who was dismissed from his post in the summer of this year.

"Denis Nikandrov is essentially charged with two official abuses: according to the investigation version, at first he illegally handed over the criminal case of extortion from the GKU of the Moscow Committee of the Armed Forces for Moscow to the Central Administrative District of the Central Administrative District, and then agreed to the re-qualification of the prosecution for a softer article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "One of the representatives of the former general explained to Kommersant." I want to note that he did both these actions on the direct order of his commander Alexander Drymanov. My client later received a reward from him, but he can not be considered a bribe, because the money was transferred to Denis Nikandrov by his immediate supervisor, whom he would submit to for free. "

According to the defense, in his testimony given in the framework of the deal concluded with the Prosecutor General's Office, Mr. Nikandrov only confirmed the information collected by the FSB in the context of operational and then investigative work. To supplement them, he could only tell about his relationship with General Drymanov, from whom he received a reward. Denis Nikandrov simply did not know the role of the other alleged bribe-takers in the committed crime.

It should be noted that the source of the defense was indirectly confirmed by the source of Kommersant close to the investigation, who reported that Alexander Drymanov, who for a long time managed to retain the status of a witness in the case, "provided the investigation with no less valuable information than the Nikandrov that concluded the deal." According to the interlocutor of "Kommersant", it was the ex-head of the State Security Service of the Russian Federation for the first time in Moscow who gave evidence to his deputy, and only later Denis Nikandrov, who was under arrest, repaid him with the same coin.

Thus, each of the generals must blame himself for his problems in the first place, "the source of Kommersant believes.

According to another source, both generals, in their desire to help the investigation, were outstripped by ex-head of the department for the security of the CIA, Colonel Alexander Lamonov. After being arrested on the basis of his episode, he not only acknowledged the blame for the transfer of another bribe to Mikhail Maksimenko, but also talked about the corruption scheme in the GSS of the Moscow Kremlin, which had no direct relationship.

Colonel Lamonov received five years, as well as a fine of 32.5 million rubles. And Mikhail Maksimenko, who did not plead guilty, was 13 years old and a fine of 165 million rubles. Now the last one is yet another trial in the company of General Drymanov and Colonel Kramerenko, who will be witnessed by the accused Nikandrov.