Dmitry Domani can play basketball in the colony for 3 and a half years

The prosecutor asks for the athlete a real term in a general regime colony.
The Chertanovsky court of the capital on October 8 will pass a verdict on the case of a famous basketball player, world championship winner, former executive director of the Russian Basketball Federation (RBF) 44-year-old Dmitry Domani. He is charged with the fact that together with the former president of the federation Yulia Anikeeva (convicted in absentia, wanted), he wrote off the RBF money to projects that existed only on paper. The damage from their actions is estimated at more than 40 million rubles. In the debate, the prosecutor requested for the ex-basketball player three and a half years in a penal colony. If the court agrees to this deadline, then taking into account the time spent in custody, Mr. Domani will be able to immediately ask for parole.

Dmitry Domani is the last person involved in a particularly large-scale fraud case who has not yet been convicted. The main person involved in the investigation, ex-president of the RBF, Yulia Anikeeva, who was under house arrest during the trial of her case, did not come to pronounce the verdict and received four and a half years in prison in absentia. She was wanted. According to some reports, Mrs. Anikeeva left for Montenegro, where her family members live.

Former chief accountant of the RBF Mikhail Kocharian died before the end of the trial, was found guilty and released from punishment in connection with his death. And the individual entrepreneur Elena Silina, who, according to the investigation, participated in the illegal financial transactions of the former leaders of the federation, entered into a pre-trial agreement on cooperation and received three and a half years.

As for Dmitry Domani, on the eve of the indictment in 2016, he left for the United States, but a year and a half later he was detained in Montenegro and extradited to Russia.
The Investigative Committee of Russia accused Mr. Domani of three episodes of especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The reason for starting the investigation was the audit, which, after a change of leadership in the RSE, was carried out by its current leader Andrei Kirilenko. According to the investigation, Dmitry Domani, who had a financial power of attorney from Yulia Anikeeva, in 2014 participated in the preparation of more than 50 acts on acceptance of work from individual entrepreneurs who allegedly held receptions, presentations and other events in the RFB building. In this case, according to the investigation, it was written off the "extra" 23 million rubles.

In addition, the case says, Mr. Domani signed agreements with an individual entrepreneur for the manufacture of souvenirs and booklets for 19.5 million rubles. The work was not completed, and the funds of the Federation were cashed and spent by the defendants in the investigation. The third episode deals with a contract with Elena Silina, who pledged to conduct physical examinations of employees of the RBF. Moreover, she did not have the relevant permissions, and in this case, according to the case file, money was also debited. The damage to this episode, law enforcement officers estimated at 1.2 million rubles.

In the court hearing in the case, the prosecutor asked to sentence Dmitry Domani to three and a half years in a general regime colony. If the court agrees with this period, it must be taken into account that in Montenegro and Russia the basketball player spent a total of one and a half years under arrest, and one day is considered one and a half in a colony. Accordingly, shortly after the entry into force of the sentence, Mr. Domani will be able to file a petition for parole.

In the last word, Mr. Domani asked the court to give a fair assessment of what had happened. “From an early age I was engaged exclusively in sports activities, shedding sweat and blood for our country, benefiting our sport and can bring it further,” TASS basketball player quotes.

Lawyers asked the defendant to acquit.