Gazprom Neft took the third place in oil production in Russia

In 2017, the company produced more oil than Surgutneftegaz.
Gazprom Neft reported that in 2017 it produced 62.3 million tons, or 4.3% more than in 2016.

The company's CEO Alexander Dyukov explained to Interfax that a major contribution to Gazprom Neft's production growth last year was the development of new large projects in the Arctic zone - Novoportovsky, East Messoyakh and Prirazlomnoye fields. Gazprom Neft has been dynamically increasing production for several years, its strategic goal is to produce 100 million tons of hydrocarbons a year, Dyukov continued, but the company wants not only to increase production but also to increase its efficiency and manufacturability - without this it is impossible to work with hard-to-recover reserves .

The top three in oil production in Russia have not changed for several years. In 2017, Rosneft still holds the first place with 209 million tons (the data of the Central Dispatch Office of the fuel and energy complex is provided by Interfax, in 2016 it was 210 million tons), the second from Lukoil, 87.4 million tons (5% less than in 2016). but Surgutneftegaz, which has occupied the third place for the last several years, produced 60.54 million tons last year and lost to Gazprom Neft, which traditionally occupied the fourth place.

At the end of 2016, OPEC countries and 11 oil-producing countries that are not members of the organization agreed to cut production by 1.5 million barrels per day from the level of October. Russia pledged to cut production by 300,000 barrels per day. The agreement is valid until the end of 2018. Oil and condensate production in Russia in 2017 decreased by 0.1% compared to 2016 and amounted to 546.8 million tons.

The representative of Gazprom Neft has not yet answered the question of Vedomosti. Even before the beginning of the OPEC + Gazprom Neft agreement, production has sharply increased: from January to October 2016, its oil production grew by 10%. "Even a 2.7% decrease to the level of October (according to the agreement with OPEC - Vedomosti) gives an opportunity to increase production in 2017," Dyukov explained in December 2016.

In early February, Alexander Dyukov said that the scenario in which the parties to the agreement will go to a greater reduction in oil production looks fantastic: "We will still hope that there will be an increase in production quotas. You see that demand is growing, and the price is growing. The market is already close to stabilization, therefore, if we proceed from what we see now, I admit such a scenario "(quoted by Interfax).