Germany has given Russia the alleged organizer of the supply of cocaine Andrei Kovalchuk

Andrei Kovalchuk, who established the supply of cocaine from Argentina through the Russian embassy there, was extradited from Germany, where he had previously lived. Itself the cocaine scandal was decided to go down on brakes without a trial in the department of Sergei Lavrov.
On July 30, officers of the Interior Ministry's investigation department charged the alleged organizer of cocaine supplies from Argentina, Andrei Kovalchuk. As it turned out, on the eve he was extradited from Germany, to the authorities of which the Prosecutor General's Office appealed to the authorities. The story with the supplies received a special resonance, as the drug was discovered in the school at the Russian Embassy in Argentina, and the drug was disguised as pouch.

About the fact that Andrei Kovalchuk, who lived in Germany last year and was engaged in business there, was extradited to Russia, it became known today, when in the presence of the lawyer of Vladimir Zherebenkov, an investigator of the MVD in the presence of a lawyer, the defendant was charged under part 3 of Art. 30 and part 4 of Art. 229.1 (attempted smuggling of narcotic drugs), as well as part 3 of Art. 30 and part 5 of Art. 228.1 (attempted illegal production, sale or transfer of narcotic drugs in an especially large amount) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Mr. Zherebenkov, as Kommersant informed Kommersant yesterday, on July 29, was urgently summoned by the investigator from his vacation in the Crimea, and on the first flight last night he arrived in Moscow. At the same time, the SD official did not specify the reasons for urgently requiring the presence of a defense counsel. Mr. Zherebenkov told Kommersant that he expected the extradition of his ward from Germany, but he failed to contact colleagues who defended Mr. Kovalchuk in this country.

As it turned out, the court of first instance in Germany authorized the issuance of a businessman. "His lawyer had a month to file an appeal, and just today, on July 30, the lawyer was going to file it. However, the defendant was extradited for an unknown reason, "Mr. Zherebenkov explained.

Andrei Kovalchuk was taken from Berlin to Moscow by an ordinary flight, he was sitting with accompanying people on the back row of the plane.

As previously told Kommersant, the name of Andrei Kovalchuk in the criminal case on the smuggling of cocaine from Argentina appeared after the testimony of the former head of the Russian embassy in the Latin American country Ali Abyanov. According to him, Mr. Kovalchuk asked him to help in sending him a suitcase with, as he said, expensive wine. Then such requests were made regularly.

History made a lot of noise, not even because of the volume of supplies, but because the suitcases containing 362 kg of drugs were stored and found in the back room of the school at the Russian Embassy in Argentina, while they were packed as diplomatic mail.

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After the detection of drugs, the special services of the two states conducted a joint special operation, replacing the contents of the suitcases with flour and fully controlling the transportation of suitcases to Moscow. Its result was the arrests in Argentina and Russia in December last year of all alleged members of the criminal group. According to the investigation, on the territory of Argentina smuggling was supervised by a Russian-speaking policeman Ivan Bliznyuk and airport security officer Alexander Chikalo. And in Russia the cargo was met by Ali Abyanov, the former manager of the Russian embassy in Argentina, who, according to the case materials, packed suitcases, as well as businessmen Vladimir Kalmykov and Ishtimir Khudzhamov. All the defendants in this case have been arrested.

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