Igor Sechin meets his former wife Danil Khachaturov

Head of Rosneft Igor Sechin meets with his former wife Danil Khachaturov, designer Ulyana Sergeyenko.
Origin source
For the first time rumors about a new novel of Ulyana arose in January 2018. In inquiries on "Yandex" even then the query "Sergeenko and Sechin" appeared. Later, the pair was seen in Paris, where at that time the Fashion Week was held. And although then everyone was discussing a racist scandal involving Sergeyenko, it turned out that in Ulyana's life there is still something else: the former spouse of Russian President's Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotinskaya, could not help sharing her friends with the fact that she noticed a couple in love in the French capital . Information, of course, quickly scattered around the secular get-together. It is interesting that soon after that Solotsinskaya was dismissed from the post of the head of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Paris, after which everyone immediately remembered the same meme - "Coincidence, I do not think."

In the meantime, Sergeenko evasively answered the direct question of SPLETNIK.RU:
All this is nonsense! I'm in the mountains now.

Today, the confirmation of the novel by Sergeenko and Sechin came from a more authoritative insider - a source close to the Kremlin. Commenting on the private life of Igor Sechin, this source told of his lucky darling - "talented and young designer Ulyana Sergeenko."

The couple is still a rather secretive way of life, and in the light together newly-born lovers we have not seen. But to discuss the gossip already have something: for example, a new airplane Sergeenko and an ornament with a large pink diamond ...

Personal life of Sergeenko

Ulyana Sergeenko prefers to keep her private life away from prying eyes. And until some point she succeeded. So, about the civil husband of the celebrity, from whom she gave birth in 2001 to her first-born son Alexander, the media still can not find information. As Sergeyenka later told me, she was alone with her son at age 21, but after a while her fate was brought by the owner of Rosgosstrakh, Danil Khachaturov. In a recent interview with The Times, the designer told that she met him in line for the dentist.

He did not know that I already have a child. Once Danil invited me to a restaurant, and I came with a little boy by the handle, he was three and a half years old. And I was very glad that the future husband immediately accepted my son,

- shared Ulyana in earlier interviews.

In 2006, Sergeyenko gave birth to Khachaturov daughter Vasilisa. Two years after this, the designer and businessman officially legalized their relationship, and in 2015 the couple filed for divorce.

Personal life Sechin

The first wife of Igor Sechin - Marina Vladimirovna Sechina, gave birth to the entrepreneur daughter of Ingu and son of Ivan. According to various media reports, this marriage broke up in 2011, but after the divorce the ex-spouses kept good relations.

Now Marina Sechina is a successful businesswoman. She heads the energy holding "Sustainable Development", and in 2016 became the head of the Equestrian Federation of Russia. As for Sechin's children, in 2005, Inga's daughter gave him Igor's grandson. Then she was married to Dmitry Ustinov, now her husband is former senior vice-president of VTB Timerbulat Karimov.

In 2012, Igor Sechin married for the second time - on Olga Rozhkova, with whom he met at work - in the government of the Russian Federation. Later the media learned that Rozhkova changed her name to Sechin, and her new place of work was Gazprombank. In 2017 in the press there were reports of the dissolution of their marriage, during which time the couple managed to have a daughter, Varvara. According to rumors, Olga left her husband to the Italian racing driver Francesco Provenzano.