Italy doesn't considered "thieves in law" as mafia

In Italy, a group of "thieves in law", including one of the leaders of the Kutaisi clan, Merab Jangveladze, were sentenced. They were accused of creating a criminal gang and money laundering.
Origin source
During wiretapping gangsters Carabinieri found out that they have organized the shooting in Moscow, "the lawyer" Aslan Usoyana. In the homeland of "mafia" of the term considered that "thieves in law" does not fall under it. Therefore, the accused received a relatively small period of time.

Hearings on the Kutaisi clan leaders "thieves in law" started in Bari, Italy in April 2014. "Criminal generals" have been charged with the creation of a transnational criminal association of a mafia-type organization of burglary, extortion, money laundering, use of forged documents. Among the aggravating circumstances it was called that part of the crimes committed with weapons.

Bari prosecutor asked to sentence "thieves in law" to the major terms. So, for Merab Jangveladze (Merab Sukhumi), he asked for ten years and eight months in prison for Besik Kuprashvili (Beso) - eight years and eight months, for Temur Nemsitsveridze (Tsripa) - eight years. Such a severe punishment the prosecutor demanded for "lawyers" becausethat he was charged with involvement in the mafia in Italy automatically guarantee an impressive "increase" by the deadline.

However, during the hearing the judge a number of charges were dropped, in particular - extortion and burglary. Also, the servants of Themis considered that "thieves in law" really created in the Italian criminal association aimed at committing crimes in this country, but it can not be attributed to the mafia type. Thus, the most serious charge - to participate in the Mafia - also disappeared.

As a result, Merab Jangveladze received four years and eight months imprisonment. The remaining seven defendants, including Beso and Tsripu, the court appointed for three years and two months in prison.

As follows from the case on January 6, 2012 in Aldo Moro Square in Bari was shot Revaz Churadze - businessman and father of "kingpin" Teimuraz Churadze (Aleko). During the investigation of this crime, it was found that Revaz controlled Italian company Geotransit ltd., Which was engaged in commercial transportation of goods to Georgia. It was another competitionthe structure, controlled by Merab Jangveladze (Merab Sukhumi). On the commercial conflict superimposed yet and the fact that Churadze belonged to the clan "legalist" Lasha Shushanashvili - the worst enemy of Merab Sukhumi.

Italian police began to study all aspects of the "mafia" in the Apennines, telephones dozen gangsters have put on listening. As a result, the Carabinieri found that there are groups that are engaged in burglary, extortion and other criminal acts. They consist mainly of intruders with Georgian origin and supervises gangs "kingpin" Besik Kuprashvili (Beso). He was a "junior partner" of a whole group based in Italy "thieves in law", whose leader was Merab Jangveladze. The right hand of Merab - "criminal General" Temur Nemsitsveridze (Tsripa) - responsible for "washing" criminal proceeds, buy mansions for "lawyers", etc.

Eighteenth June 2013 Europol at the request of Italy held a large-scale special operation in Europe against the clan membersJangveladze. At the same time in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Portugal, France, Spain, Austria, Germany, 18 gangsters were arrested, including 13 "thieves in law". Merab Sukhumi taken into custody in Hungary. Also went to jail "legalists" Temuri Nemsitsveridze (Tsripa), Givi Gordeladze (Givi fat), Roin Uhlava (Mateevici) Koroshinadze Tamaz, Ramaz Jincharadze etc.

In tracing the Italian authorities announced another whole group of "thieves in law", including - Jemal Mikeladze (Jem), Koba Akhvlediani (Koba), Lasha Nizharadze (Lasha Tskhaltubo), Kahu Makalatia (Kakha), Kakhaber Parpeliya (Kakha Gali) and Rovshan Dzhanieva (Rovshan Lyankoransky). The search was discontinued after the last - his lawyers persuaded the carabinieri that he in the activities of groups Jangveladze direct relationship allegedly had.

During wiretapping "thieves in law" Carabinieri actually disclosed the shooting in Moscow "thief in law" Aslan Usoyana (Ded Hasan). Eighteenth September 2012 Merab closest associates gathered in Rome. "Thieves in Law" first discussed a protracted & quot; war. "clan of Ded Hasan At the same time, according to the Italian police, held telephone conversation Merab and" lawyer "Tariel Oniani (Taro, is serving time in a Russian prison) Jangveladze said Oniani that." legalists "to decide what to do . with Usoyan In this Tarot, according to records of the Carabinieri, responded briefly: "" cancels any and all problems will disappear. " In Italy, it believes that it was after this conversation at the meeting, and the death sentence was handed down to Santa Hassan. In January 2013, he was shot by a sniper in Moscow.

Shortly thereafter, the police intercepted another conversation Tarot and Merab, during which they discuss the murder took place. "It's a birthday party for all of us We have done a hundred steps ahead.", - Rejoiced "criminal generals".

"Legalist", appearing before the court, the murder, however, is not charged with. The charges in the massacre of Revaz Churadze absentia brought only gangsters and Zurab Zurab Tsokoevu Ginori, who escaped from the investigation and have been declared wanted.