Journalist Rinat Sagdiyev received news from Rosneft

The journalist was threatened with reprisals for publications about helicopters of the oil company.
Journalist "Vedomosti" Rinat Sagdiev filed an application with the police on the fact of threats addressed to him. According to the applicant himself, he began to receive messages with promises of speedy reprisals after his investigation into the park of VIP helicopters of the state oil company Rosneft appeared in the press. Mr. Sagdiev himself is sure that he touched upon the interests of persons who are sufficiently influential to take anonymous warnings seriously.

The same opinion is shared by Vladimir Rumyantsev, head of the legal department of the newspaper Business News Media.

"We discussed it with Rinat Sagdiyev on Sunday morning, when the SMS arrived, yesterday he wrote a statement to the police - we regard these reports as real threats, as, judging by the text of the SMS, the journalist may have been followed," Rumyantsev said.

Screenshots of correspondence with threats Sagdiyev previously placed in Facebook, an unnamed interlocutor advised him to "refuse to dig shit" and "go to the hospital", noting the danger for the editor-in-chief of the publication Ilya Bulavinov.

"Judging by the brand of cars and skirts like a fast ride brakes as if in a ditch do not fly away but the Ministry of Emergency in general, acid rain predicts", - an anonymous interlocutor Sagdiev wrote.

In comments the journalist said that the number was one-time and suggested that the threats come from "helicopter pilots or those whom they carry."

On July 17, Vedomosti published an article by Sagdiev about how much Rosneft spends on helicopter shipments - up to 10 billion rubles a year. "In 2017, Rosneft can spend about 21 billion rubles on helicopter transportation, and this is an application for global leadership among oil and gas companies for similar expenses," the journalist wrote. It was noted that among the helicopters used by the company there are Lenonardo Helicopters cars, used "mainly for personal purposes, such as VIP transport and passenger transport."

The company's spokesman Mikhail Leontiev asked MediaZony to comment on the article: "The previous questioner introduced himself as" Open Russia ", which makes it clear to me that the customer himself is concerned about the promotion of his own order. Are you in the same category of working people? ". He advised journalists "you have to write yourself and maintain yourself by closely related crossings."

Earlier in June, the Anti-Corruption Fund drew attention to the purchase by Rosneft of cutlery for the helicopter fleet at clearly overpriced prices. In particular, the company was going to purchase silver tea spoons worth almost 15 thousand rubles each, glasses for water at 11.7 thousand rubles and fried eggs at 83 thousand rubles. In addition, RN-Aerokraft planned to purchase 12 rugs for 124 thousand rubles apiece and some other items. After numerous publications, Rosneft was told that Igor Sechin "personally canceled" this purchase.

The head of Rosneft diligently avoids questions about the air transport at his disposal. Igor Sechin touched on the issue of corporate air transport only once, when he told about his hard work. "I personally spent 650 hours on the plane last year. If someone wants to spend 650 hours on an airplane, please, "he said.

Earlier, Sechin had already sued the same journalist Sagdiev after the publication of the palace on Rublevka, the president of Rosneft.