Kirill Laskin has devastated his loan portfolio from Sovetsky

For fraud detained shareholder of the bank.
As it became known to "Kommersant", law enforcement agencies have disclosed a scheme for the theft of 2 billion rubles from the Bank Sovetsky. In St. Petersburg, they detained the former shareholder of this credit institution and the ex-general director of Collector 19 LLC Kirill Laskin. As it turned out, it was he who bought the allegedly irretrievable loan portfolio worth more than 2.1 billion rubles from Sovetsky. just 2 million rubles. In less than six months, collectors managed to collect more than 100 million rubles from debtors.

Kirill Laskin, a former shareholder of Sovetsky Bank and former General Director of Collector 19 LLC, was detained by operatives of the GUEBPK Ministry of Internal Affairs and the regional UFSB in his house in the village of Parlagovo of the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg. His search did not give any results. After that, the investigators went to the office of Collector 19 LLC, which is currently in the process of liquidation. There, in one of the rooms, several boxes of credit files were found that were previously missing from Sovetsky Bank (in August 2018, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg declared the credit institution bankrupt).

As it turned out in the course of the investigation, the managers of the bank and its owners embezzled the assets by transferring the rights to claim allegedly bad loans. In particular, in January 2015, about six months before the Central Bank introduced temporary administration in Sovetsky due to "signs of a precarious financial situation", the bank transferred the right to claim allegedly uncollectible debts to an affiliated legal entity, Collector 19 LLC. According to the investigation, the general director of the latter, Kirill Laskin, and the former chairman of the board of Sovetsky bank, Andrei Karpov (arrested in March 2018), were involved in the scheme. As a result, LLC acquired a loan portfolio of more than 2.1 billion rubles. just 2.1 million rubles. (0.1% of the amount of rights transferred). At the same time, in only six months the collectors managed to collect more than 100 million rubles from the debtors. The investigation believes that the bankruptcy trustee from the Deposit Insurance Agency could well have won back the loans, therefore, the entire amount of the assigned loans was recognized as stolen from the “Soviet”.

We also note that in February 2017, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg, upon the application of the provisional administration, recognized the contract of assignment of rights of claims as invalid. Later, a higher authority upheld the decision.

Questioned as a suspect, Kirill Laskin did not admit his guilt. According to Kommersant, he does not see any criminal component in this matter, and considers relations between his LLC and Sovetsky as civil law. At the same time, the merchant insists that the loans acquired by him from the bank were “obviously irrevocable”. According to “Kommersant”, today the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg will charge Kirill Laskin under part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale), after which the investigation will appeal to the court with a petition for his arrest.

Recall that the investigation of this criminal case began in 2017 with the episode of the issuance of the bank "Sovetsky" deliberately irrevocable loan of 150 million rubles. OOO Service, which, according to the investigation, was controlled by the well-known ex-banker and former owner of the Portsmouth English football club Vladimir Antonov. Initially, the financier did not recognize the guilt, but in the summer of 2018 changed his position. In July, the city prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg entered into a pre-trial agreement with Vladimir Antonov, and the real arrest was replaced with a home arrest. During interrogations, he testified against the former head of the Sovetsky bank, Stanislav Mitrushin, who participated in the issuance of a fictitious loan to OOO Service. However, for law enforcement, Mr. Mitrushin was unavailable, having managed to escape abroad. Meanwhile, the investigation has already established that the money stolen from the Sovetsky bank was used to finance the real estate management of the Dalport City SPB group of companies. This organization is owned by Stanislav Mitrushin, and its shareholders are the same Kirill Laskin and businessman Oleg Nikolaev. The latter is in the case as a witness.