Kompromat.ru has been blocked in Russia

The website "Kompromat.ru" was blocked in Russia due to a conflict between the BBDO advertising group and the Internet shop "Kholodilnik.ru."
Sites Comporomat.ru and kompromat.ru are blocked and inaccessible to users from Russia, Vedomosti became convinced. Yesterday compromat.ru was available. Sites can be opened with the help of anonymizers, and a copy of the resource at compromat.net is also available.

The blocked pages indicate that access to the resource is limited under federal law, and there are three possible causes - copyright infringement, extremism, information that harms children.

 Against "Kompromat.ru" several judgments were issued on blocking those or other pages, Vedomosti was convinced. One of them is the Moscow City Court's decision to violate copyrights to the article "Advertising Web: As the head of BBDO, Ella Stewart and her husband Shanson Yura Kolyma" bred "customers." The article "Kompromat.ru" reprinted from the site "Infolix" earlier this year. The claim for violation of the rights to the text in April 2017 was filed by Malibu LLC. The plaintiffs claimed that they owned exclusive rights to the article and acquired them from the author of the text of Valdis Jansonsom. The plaintiffs were asked to take preliminary measures and block access to the text on Kompromat.ru before the court decision was passed. In June, the court granted the claim on the merits and admitted that Kompromat illegally copied the article about BBDO. Access to this article is blocked on a working copy of the site Compromat.net.

Representative of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky confirmed that Kompromat.ru was blocked on the decision to copy the article about BBDO. After the preliminary security measures were taken by the court in April, the resource removed the text from its website, the service recently checked again on the execution of the court's decision and saw that the article was available. Compromat.ru is blocked entirely in contrast to Comporomat.net, because on the main page of the first site there is a banner with a link to the contentious article, explained Ampelonsky.

Conflict with TV commercials

The article on BBDO describes the story of the conflict of the owner of "Refrigerator.ru" Valery Kovalev on the one hand and the president of the Russian division of the advertising group BBDO Ella Stewart and her husband Yuri Istomin. In 2013, "Refrigerator.ru" concluded an agreement with one of the Russian companies BBDO for TV advertising for 134 million rubles., But in the end, the advertisement was allegedly not posted in full. Kovalev accused Stewart and her husband of fraud and an attempt to take possession of "Kholodilnikov.ru" (part of the advertisement was paid for in this company).

The conflict was so loud that the Association of Internet Trade Companies (ACIT) appealed to the management of the international holding Omnicom (BBDO in it enters) with a complaint about the actions of Stuart. Such actions by Stuart negatively affect the reputation of the whole Omnicom, wrote the association (the content of the letter was quoted by the newspaper Kommersant). Representatives of the BBDO then said that the information contained in the article and in the letter of ACIT are untrue and discredit the reputation of Stuart.

The article "Advertising web" and articles with similar content were widely distributed in the RuNet in the first half of this year, Vedomosti became convinced. They and now they can be found on different Internet resources and under different authorship.

For what used to be blocked by Kompromat.ru

"Kompromat.ru" - one of the most famous resources runet, created by Sergei Gorshkov in 1999. The site was often accused of placing incorrect information, repeatedly attacked, because of this for a long time it was inaccessible to users.

In 2010, Gorshkov sold it to private investor Andrei Rutberg. Kompromat.ru was repeatedly blocked - the first time in 2008. Then in 2012 Ru-Center, at the request of the authorities, divided the domain kompromat.ru, then the decision was challenged.

In addition, access to one of the pages of compromat.ru is limited by the decision of the Dorogomilovsky District Court of Moscow, passed in April of this year, follows from the data of the universal service for checking access restrictions on sites. It is not reported what exactly the page is about. It is specified only that the resource is entered in the register of violators of the rights of subjects of personal data.

A representative of the Dorogomilovsky court said that according to the case number indicated in the service case Yu.N. Gushchina and Yu. V. Khlebnikov had been registered with Neive Limited (this company Andrey Rutberg in 2010 bought Kompromat.ru) about the recognition of the illegal distribution of personal data , the claim was satisfied by the court in April, the verdict was not contested. The representative of the court did not disclose other details.

Judging by the Kompromat.ru database, the claim to the resource was most likely filed by the founders of the Guta group Yuri Gushchin and Yuri Khlebnikov. Back in 2004, Kompromat published an article entitled "Who Owns Guta Bank," where he pointed out that Guschin and Khlebnikov allegedly have numerous convictions. Now access to this text is blocked on a working copy of the compromat.net resource, but it is available on ComporomatWiKi.org. Guta Bank was established in 1991 as part of the Guta group. The group's main assets are confectionery holding United Confectioners and a real estate complex based on the former Krasny Oktyabr factory in the center of Moscow. The bank itself was sold in 2004 to VTB and renamed into VTB 24. "Guta" did not sell VTB brand and later created a new bank under the same name, it operates now.

Forbes magazine estimates Guschin's fortune of $ 1 billion, he is on the list of 100 richest people in Russia.