Medvedev named the main task of Rogozin as head of Roskosmos

Dmitry Medvedev instructed former vice-premier Dmitry Rogozin to deal with the finances of the state space concern. This will be followed by "optimization" and on Russian space, which is an obsolete collective farm with phenomenal amounts of theft, it will be possible to bravely put a cross.
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"Roscosmos" is to restore full-fledged work of its financial system - this is one of the main tasks of the new leadership of the state corporation, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting with the head of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin.

The head of government noted that the corporation needed to quickly complete the transition period associated with the change of leadership.

"As for the state of affairs in individual links, at certain enterprises that are part of the Roskosmos corporation, in one way or another related to the space theme, in our country this is an important and rather complicated topic, because the situation there is different," Medvedev said.

The prime minister stressed that "it's not even in the current situation [to save] every penny, <...> but to restore the full functioning of the financial elements of this system," as previously there were "problems".

The head of the Cabinet in a conversation with Rogozin assured him that the government is ready, if necessary, to provide "some support" to Roskosmos.

In turn, Dmitry Rogozin said that the assessment of the economic status of the leading enterprises of the space industry is continuing, which, according to the head of the state corporation, has already brought results. This work "will take some time, definitely a month," explained the head of Roskosmos, calling the corporation "as a whole absolutely viable".

"Now the main thing is that we have passed the first stage of formation of the state corporation," Rogozin said, explaining that at this stage the FSUE branches were transformed into joint-stock companies as subsidiaries of Roskosmos. According to the head of the corporation, now Roscosmos needs to realize that it is responsible for the success of these companies.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin became the head of Roskosmos in May, having accepted a corresponding offer from the president. Priorities of the space industry Rogozin then called the reduction of accidents and the restoration of human resources.

In his new position, Rogozin also promised that changes in the leadership of the state corporation would be "point-like". A few days before this announcement, Rano Juraeva, General Director of the Center for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities (CENSCI), had left her post at her own request, acting. the head of the Center for Economic and Social Policy became Oleg Maidanovich.

At the end of June, the media learned of the planned substantial staff reductions at the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center (SCNC). Sources RBC also reported that the general director of the center Alexey Varochko in the near future can leave his post. Among the candidates for his replacement, RBC's interlocutors called Alexander Ivanov (now - the first deputy director of Roskosmos, Alexander Ivanov).