Mikhail Dvorkovich detained for birthday wishes for Vladimir Putin

He tried to fly balloons with a poster for the Russian president. 
Businessman and brother of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, Mikhail Dvorkovich, was arrested and is now in the Khamovniki police department for trying to fly a congratulatory poster for Vladimir Putin with the text "Happy Birthday, Ultralord!". According to the businessman, he and three other participants "have been detained for two hours" and  the police "is trying to incriminate participation in an unsanctioned picket."

According to "Kommersant" he Mikhail Dvorkovich, he and three of his supporters "have gathered in the streets of Volkhonka and wanted to run into the sky on balloons poster with congratulations to our President": "Suddenly we were surrounded by 10 police officers, after which we were detained" . According to him, in the campaign tried to take part are not activists of pro-Kremlin youth movements, and "ordinary citizens, sincerely respecting Putin." "One of them - the artist Sergey Kalenik, author of the famous comic" Super Putin, "", - said Mr. Dvorkovich.

In his microblog on Twitter, Mr. Dvorkovich has published photos congratulatory poster, which depicts a man resembling Mr.and the president. The inscription on the poster reads: "Happy birthday, Ultralord"

At the moment, all participants of the action taken to the police station "Khamovniki". "We do not let go for two hours and try to incriminate participation in an unsanctioned picket, and the formal charges do not present", - said Mikhail Dvorkovich, adding that the detainees do not cause a lawyer, "because there is no article, which prohibits to congratulate the president."

The press service of the State Ministry of Interior in "Interfax" Moscow said that "when you attempt to disrupt public order in the central part of the city police four people were detained." According to the press service representative, they were all taken to the police department for a decision to prosecute in accordance with the law.

His birthday Vladimir Putin met in Indonesia, where the APEC summit is being held. Leaders of the 20 member countries of the forum, who arrived in Bali, have prepared for the Russian president's greetings. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono played for Putin song «Happy Birthday To You », accompanying himself on the guitar, the heads of other delegations echoed him.

As Vladimir Putin's birthday in Bali

October 7 Denpasar on the Indonesian island of Bali has opened an annual forum of leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Before the start of the working session, Vladimir Putin, who is now turned 61 years old, received from his colleagues in the APEC birthday greetings. Most of all distinguished host of the summit - President Yudhoyono congratulated Mr Putin, before opening with the song «Happy Birthday To You» for him and accompanying himself on the guitar.