Millions on arms: what's the cost of Russian businessmen and politicians' watches

RBC studied the watches of Russian politicians and heads of state-owned companies. The most expensive ones belong to Ramzan Kadyrov. Vladimir Yakunin owns luxury watches and gives them to the others: his gift could be found on Sergey Naryshkin's arm.
Origin source
Sands has launched

. Watch President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov for 37 million rubles, given to him by his wife Tatiana Navka and purchased, the official said, "a lot cheaper for how much - nobody's business," not only became the most discussed topic in the Russian Internet, but also an occasion for the study of such accessories from colleagues Peskov, the Kremlin and other government officials, parliamentarians and leaders of state-owned companies.

RBC decided to continue large-scale study of the newspaper "Vedomosti" in 2009, in which the edition was attended by about snapshots wristwatch high-ranking Russian state officials. We have studied the latest photos of senior officials, which they sealed with the clock, and asked experts to identify the model. The cost of hours, we were determined based on available offers online stores and assessments of participants watch market.

The results of the study, the rate of import substitution did not affect the preferences of fans of the exact time: from two dozen Russian has appeared only three models we have studied.

DorOgai luxury

Since 2009, foreign watches rose by about 20%, said CEO "" Dmitry Krylov. Ruble thus lost 55% against the dollar and 38% against the euro.

Wristwatches, perhaps - one of the few accessories that emphasize the individuality of the person who wears them. For Russian officials, politicians and heads of state-owned companies is also a way to demonstrate their worth. RBC studied watches at the hands of state officials, parliamentarians and senior managers "gosdochek" and presents the results of his research. Read more about this in the article RBC.

Highest rated

The most expensive wrist accessory in our sample has the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has never worked in private business: he is a young Swiss watch brand Greubel Forsey worth $ 280 thousand, issued by the "edition" of 33 pieces.. When they were purchased, RBC could not find out, but even if this new thing for 2015, the ruble equivalent - about 16 million rubles. - It lags behind the estimated cost of hours Peskov. Press SecretaryKadyrov at the time of publication of the material could not provide comment on the cost model and its origins.

Fans of Russian

Among the supporters of Russian brands - Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, was chosen "missiles". His colleague Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin is "Sturmanskie" watch from the series "Space Pioneers" and State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin - "Nick".

All other ranking leaders were not officials.

The President Railways Vladimir Yakunin, the second on the list, - "Anniversary" watch German brand A. Lange & Sohne - Lange 1 Tourbillon range, issued to the 165 anniversary of the manufacturing company in 2010 in the amount of 165 copies. The Russian office of A. Lange & Sohne Watches identified and reported that the recommended retail price of the model in 2013, before the jump in exchange rates, was about 5.7 million rubles. At current prices this watch at least four times more expensive than those that have been Yakunin in 2009: then he wore a classic model of the same brand series Grand Lange with a black dial. The press service of Russian Railways declined to comment on the cost and the source of noiskhozhdeniya hours state company President.

VTB President Andrei Kostin, on the other hand, began to wear a cheap watch: Breguet Tourbillon Automatic Power Reserve for about $ 140 thousand is almost twice cheaper than the Patek Philippe Sky Moon, which he had in 2009.. "Andrei Kostin not a member of the civil service in 1991, - the press service of VTB. - From this moment on, he is currently working in various commercial structures, his income allows him to wear any watch. In addition, Andrei Kostin as not comprised in the public service does not apply to a law restricting receiving expensive gifts. "

President of Sberbank German Gref, the Breguet true to his, which in 2009 were worth $ 14 thousand. Sberbank's press service told RBC that says only the requests concerning the activities of the Savings Bank, and the request does not apply to the bank.

President of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin is a platinum Rolex worth more than $ 60 thousand. Rolex also have Pavel Astakhov Ombudsman for Children. His model is $ 50.8 thousand But the Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko has different hours:. It has and ChanelOrožen $ 30 thousand., and bright Italian brand watches Toy Watch, which discounted cost just £ 60. Matvienko is on vacation, so comment on the information about the clock could not, said RBC representative of the Federation Council of the device.

Preference Volodin

Public policies have been more outspoken - some told RBC agreed how and why they were expensive accessories.

Curator of domestic policy, first deputy head of the Kremlin administration Vyacheslav Volodin, for example, prefers to wear "Glashütte" watch (Glashütte Original Classic Pilots Chrono Navigator Date) the last few years. They loved him, says the source, surrounded by high-ranking official, cost about $ 6 thousand, "I always envied his ability to find, on the one hand, the stylish, on the other - cheap stuff." - Said the people from the surrounding Volodin.

Interlocutor RBC could not answer the question of whether the watch purchased or donated, but said he had witnessed one of the visitors gave Volodin bag with souvenirs and tried to put on the bottomaces. "When this was discovered, the assistant Kremlin official was forced to flee the building of the presidential administration for him to give a gift," - recalls the approximate Volodin.

From another Yakunin

Sergei Naryshkin biography is somewhat similar to a career Volodin. Now he is the speaker of the State Duma (Volodin was a vice-speaker), and before that as Volodin, led by the Government Office. Now watch Naryshkin Russian brand "Nike", and he is very pleased with them, said RBC's press-secretary of the State Duma speaker Yevgeny Chugunova. And before that he had a Swiss watch, which he had received as a gift for the 50th anniversary in 2004 by Vladimir Yakunin, she said. Name the brand and model Chugunova hours difficult. According to "Vedomosti", in 2009 at the Naryshkin were Swiss Patek Philippe Annual Calendar for $ 29,700.

At the time, the future speaker of the State Duma headed by the government apparatus, and Yakunin was the first vice-president of Russian Railways. "They are friends for a long time families", - explained Chugunova. Both graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute with a difference of six years, after which, according to media reports, everyone was inKGB Red Banner Institute.

deputy corps

State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein confirmed that he Longines (cost - less than $ 5,000). This premium watch from the Russian prosecutor general, told the deputy. According to him, they awarded him for "contributions to the development of the legal space." "I have them six or seven years I wear it my only clock", - he said.

Six years ago, the Prosecutor General, as now, was Yuri Chaika and Hinstein already worked in the Duma. There he joined the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets", where for many years engaged in investigative journalism, reporting in their publications, including among the security forces of abuses.

His colleague in the lower house of Nikolai Valuev confirmed that Graham wears a watch brand. He said he bought them for a long time - in 2010-2011. Price watch the deputy did not name them, experts estimate approximately $ 17 500. "Navalnyatam no food," - he answered the specific questions RBC former boxing champion.

Can I give them

Officials are prohibited from receiving any gifts and rewards in connection with the performance of theirduties, it follows from the law of 2004 on the civil service of the year. By law, all the gifts they have to hand over to the department in which the work (Article 17 of the law).

As explained RBC expert on Civil Service Paul Kudyukin, on the one hand, the rule prohibits officers remain with the gifts, if they got them as part of their professional activity, but it does not prescribe what to do if the gift was handed to an employee by his friends and acquaintances. "If the gift is made official, even a childhood friend, then you need to find out whether there is a business relationship between the two. And if such a relationship is, it creates a conflict of interest and to take such gifts is unacceptable ", - said Kudyukin. Accept such a gift to the officer could face a minimum disciplinary action, according to the source.

The concept of "conflict of interest" was introduced by the law "On Combating Corruption" in 2008 alone. As follows from the law, conflicts of interest should be considered a situation where the personal interests of officials can affect the performance of their duties and, afterdstvie, entail a violation of the rights and interests of other citizens, society and state.