Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to modernize TPPs without foreigners

Minpromtorg proposed to prohibit foreign companies from participating in the modernization of Russian thermal power plants in the 1920s. True, officials forgot that the gas turbine's own nomenclature does not cover the needs of the program, worth 1.4 trillion rubles. Whether it will be possible to develop new ones is not yet known.
Minpromtorg prepared the most stringent road map for the development of a Russian line of powerful gas turbines in the 2020s. According to Kommersant's information, at the meetings, the ministry insisted on the priority loading of Russian machine-builders and cutting off foreigners from the planned program for upgrading TPPs to 1.4 trillion rubles. In addition, officials want to free generators from market fines that installed pilot Russian equipment, even with its breakdown. But consumers believe that for these risks there is an insurance market, and analysts note that the exemption from fines turns the fee for capacity into an administrative fee for the development of turbines.

"Kommersant" got acquainted with the draft "road map" of the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the development of gas turbines of high power in Russia. The project has already been submitted to the government, but the disagreements of the departments have not been settled yet. The essence of the document in the stage-by-stage release to the market of the line of powerful turbines: in the fourth quarter of 2019 - at 110 MW (development of design documentation, production preparation, prototype production, installation and testing), at the end of 2021 and 2022 - by 170 and 65 MW. The development of infrastructure technologies for maintenance and service is planned for the fourth quarter of 2019. Serial production of turbines is planned to be released by the fourth quarter of 2027. The "road map" includes an item on granting subsidies from the budget to compensate for part of the production costs.

In the apparatus of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, "Kommersant" confirmed that there was a meeting on the "road map" and there is an instruction for its completion. According to the minutes of the meeting, Deputy Chief of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov on June 13, the United Engine Corporation Rostek, Power Machines and the Ministry of Energy had no comments on the document.

In the Russian Federation there are no large gas turbine plants except Siemens and Siemens Power Machines in German technology.

Dependence on imports caused a major scandal when the Rostek-based Technopromexport in 2017 redirected the Siemens turbines to the Crimea sub-Crimea. At Ivanovo CCP "Inter RAO" are turbines ODK GTD-110, developed in 2000, but there are claims to their work, and for the first quarter their utilization factor of installed capacity did not exceed 5%. Machine builders unsuccessfully try to improve the technology: the GTD-110M model (developed by the consortium "Rosnano", UDK and "Inter RAO") collapsed during testing in December 2017.

Kommersant sources familiar with the situation say that at the Minpromtorg and Dmitry Kozak meetings the ministry insisted on creating a market for the modernization of TPPs for Russian plants only, effectively alienating foreign companies from the process. The program volume of up to 1.4 trillion rubles. until 2030 passes approval in the government, and in its framework, machine makers are required to localize the release of equipment at a level of 90%. In early July, the head of Siemens in Russia Dietrich Moeller said that the company is ready to increase the depth of localization of turbines from 60% to 90%. The head and owner of Power Machines, Alexei Mordashov, wrote to Kommersant on May 18 that he asked the government for a guarantee to Russian plants on binding contracts with generators for gas turbines. Potential demand was estimated by the company in 48 turbines with a capacity of 65 and 170 MW. In "Power Machines" the query "b" was considered "premature".

Russian counterparts, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, believes, will be cheaper, the specific capex will be 10 million rubles. for 1 MW. According to Vladimir Sklyar of VTB Capital, the cost of the Siemens and GE turbines is about 25-30 million rubles. for 1 MW.

Another key proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is to release pilot projects with Russian equipment from fines in case of violations of the deadlines for entries or breakages, Kommersant sources say. In this case, consumers will pay for the supply of the capacity of the non-operating equipment in full. The "road map" directly refers only to "special conditions" for generation companies using innovative equipment.

The Energy Ministry said that they have not yet seen the "road map", but consider that for innovative "pilots" it is possible to consider the possibility of refusing fines, reducing the amount of payment (in fact, a partial penalty). In the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Industry and Trade, "Kommersant" was not answered. A source familiar with the position of the Ministry of Economy notes that at the meetings the agency spoke about the inadvisability of supporting production at the expense of consumers of the wholesale energy market and excessive localization requirements (above 60%), in favor of maintaining the requirements for maintaining readiness (fines) for Russian high-capacity turbines.

The deputy director of the Community of Energy Consumers (unites a large industry) Valery Dzyubenko emphasizes that there is an insurance market for technological risks. "Putting them on the shoulders of consumers is not only unacceptable, but also harmful, as the incentives to eliminate the shortcomings disappear," he said. Vladimir Sklyar adds that the fee for capacity (it is due to its increase that investments in generation are returned, and fine is the reduction of such a payment) by law is a payment for the equipment's willingness to generate energy. Therefore, the continued payment by the consumer of the capacity of equipment that is not ready for work is a violation of the principles of market pricing and "the transformation of fees for capacity into an administrative fee from the market for the development of a turbine." In his opinion, in this case the risks of machine builders and generators will be shifted to the consumer, so the idea of ​​the Ministry of Industry and Trade "does not look at all market". Natalia Porokhova of ACRA specifies that for the generation companies new pilot equipment is a risk, there is a high probability of breakdowns, and even if they are released from fines, simple equipment will also bring losses.