Money Colonel-billionaire Dmitry Zakharchenko disappeared in the budgets

From the list of material evidence in the case of Colonel MVD Dmitry Zakharchenko, money for more than 9 billion rubles and gold bars that were confiscated in his two apartments were excluded.
Origin source
The Investigative Committee canceled the resolution of September 1, 2017, according to which 9 billion rubles., Confiscated in the apartments of Zakharchenko's relatives, were admitted as material evidence. Such a status, in accordance with the document, received a gold bullion, more than € 2 million, $ 140 million, and also more than 350 million rubles.

The exclusion of money from the list of material evidence was confirmed by RBC lawyer Zakharchenko Alexander Gorbatenko. According to him, he saw this decision while studying the case materials.

In December 2017, the court granted the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, according to which the cash and property of Zakharchenko himself, as well as his relatives, were turned into state revenue. In addition to money and gold, 11 apartments, 16 parking spaces and four cars (two Mercedes-Benz and two Porshe Cayenne) were confiscated, which Zakharchenko, according to law enforcement agencies, bought for questionable incomes for himself and his family.

The money was to be credited to the account of the Federal Treasury Department in Moscow, the gold bar - to be transferred to Gokhran, apartments and cars - to be handed over to the management of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow.

On May 31, RBC reported with reference to the sources that the Main Investigation Department for Investigating Highly Important Cases of the Russian Federation had commenced the disappearance of a part of the money (€ 3 million) seized from Zakharchenko. In Sberbank, 44 boxes with cash were recounted from April 27 to May 2 and in the process found a discrepancy in the amount of cash.

The source of RBC noted that the money was placed first in the FSB institute for carrying out a genetic examination, and then they were "immediately sent to the Treasury." "After applying for state property, they had to stay in the Treasury and get into the federal budget. Why they could be taken to Sberbank, I can hardly imagine, "- said the source.