New business of Igor Sechin's ex-wife

Marina Sechina, the former wife of the president of Rosneft Igor Sechin, has a new business: wholesale of edible oils and fats.
Origin source
For this entrepreneur in August 2014 established the "Regionagrosoyuz" LLC together with its partners, one of which provides the "Rosneft" imported pipes for offshore drilling. Participants have not heard anything about a new market player, but hope for more attention from the authorities to industry and the payment of subsidies to producers of raw materials.

The consequences of divorce

In 2012, Igor Sechin resigned as vice-premier of the Russian government and became president of the company "Rosneft", the same year he married a second time. The next year after the divorce Marina Sechin became the co-owner of JSC "Ekzekt Partners Group" (the largest contractor of the Sochi Olympics), OOO "O-HSBC El Rus Privet Limited" (a major contract for the construction of the railway), a systems integrator, "RK-Telecom" and other commercial structures.

This summer, as reported by "Co" (see "№27, 2014.), Marina Sechin lost its interest in two companies - 16.25% in the" Kazakhstan-Telecom "and 49% of OOO" O-Eich-El Rus Privet Limited ", is part of the Spanish construction group Obrascon Huarte Lain (OHL). At the same time it has remained atives in energy, personnel recruitment and property, and the cost is estimated at more than 1 billion rubles. And now a new company. "Regionagrosoyuz" - the first business Mrs. Sechin beginning without contracts from scratch.
It is noteworthy that before it is all commercial structures, which she owned, had large government contracts.

According to the service "Kontur-Focus" in "Regionagrosoyuz" Ltd. Marina Sechin partners with 36% equity, 32% in "Regionsnab" and LLC "Veles". New company ex-spouse of the president of "Rosneft" owned by LLC "Temp" (her 51% share), 41% - in its permanent business partner, businessman from Kabardino-Balkaria Khizir Atakueva, 8% - Irina Kotova. In Khizir Atakueva in Nalchik were two firms for the sale and repair of computers "Abacus-Computers" and computer center "Elko Caucasus." The "RC-Telecom" he was director of government relations, and in June 2014 the system integrator was able to get a big contract from the Defense Ministry. Irina Kotova - co-founder of two companies (LLC "Atria" and PAAbout "Fintehinvest"), is engaged in wholesale deliveries of fuel.

"Regionagrosoyuzom" directs Michael Chibrikov, formerly CEO in "Transagro" and JSC "Zarayskhleboprodukt" (the latter company is now bankrupt).

Problems with a partner

Another companion Marina Sechin in the new company - the owner of "Regionsnab" Yuri Voronkov. "Regionsnab" provides machinery and equipment, oil companies, in particular, Novokuibyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant (previously it belonged to GC "YUKOS" Mikhail Khodorkovsky, "Rosneft" now). It is the only enterprise in Russia, which produces an additive, giving the company the admission of diesel fuel in the European pipeline system. In addition, Yuri Voronkov owns 75% of LLC "Snabneftekomplekt", a major supplier of pipes for the "Rosneft" with revenues of almost 800 million rubles. (Data of 2012). On its Web site, "Snabneftekomplekt" presents itself as a strategic partner of several global industrial holdings supplying "importproduct, which has no Russian analogues "for offshore drilling. During the three years of "Snabneftekomplekt" delivered to "Rosneft" 33,900 tons of pipes, but in 2014 there was no contract. However, "Snabneftekomplekt" - not a very large supplier, even "TD" Drilling equipment ", which was headed by Yuri Voronkov to March 2011, turnover has nearly four times as many - 3 billion rubles. Answer the questions "To" Mr Voronkov refused.

Today, "Rosneft" is under the influence of the US and EU sanctions. A number of its projects, including the projects and on the Arctic shelf for exploration drilling in the Kara Sea with the American Exxon Mobil Corporation, frozen. Business Yuri Voronkov turned out to be under attack. Although the actual drill pipe "Snabneftekomplekt" Ltd. buys Chinese relevant players - in Jiangsu Shuguang Huayang Drilling Tool Co., Ltd. and Hilong Group of Companies. But the main partner for the supply of casing is a Japanese company Sumitomo Metal Industrias, one of the three world producers of seamless tubes. Her pipes endure a lot of pressure and acidic environment, they can be usedon a very large depth of the drilling on the continental shelf. But today the United States trying to persuade the Japanese government to impose sanctions against Russian companies.

Participation in "Regionagrosoyuze" together looks like an attempt to diversify its business with Marina Sechin for Yuri Voronkov.

In search of fatty niche

On the activity of the "Regionagrosoyuza" nothing is yet known, but the conditions for wholesale trade looks, as opposed to oil production well.

According to the Russian Union of Oil and fat, in 2013, oil and fat industry - margarine, mayonnaise, oil - grew. Margarine was produced 6% more than in 2012 (940.3 thousand tons.) Mayonnaise - 8% (840.7 thousand tons.), Mustard - 12% (10.2 thousand tons.).

Production of vegetable oil in August and September 2014, far exceeding last year's figures (+ 26%), margarine is "added" to 13.5% for the first eight months of 2014, the mayonnaise over the same period - 3.1%.

"The Russian market is, to grow, especially in the vegetable oil consumption. We are lagging behind in Europe, we have a consumption of 14-15 liters per year in Europe - aboutt 18 to 25 liters per year. But who can ensure that growth is uncertain. It is a question of solvency and changes in food culture. With regard to the entry of new players, but today it is quite difficult to make: for every percent of market share is a tough competition, "- said Yuri Morozov, chief executive of Russian oil and fat union.

From the Russian embargo grocery industry has not suffered. The main raw material - sunflower and tropical oils - not horrible in the sanctions list of the Russian Federation. Tropical oils, such as palm, -. It is the raw material for spetszhirov that are used for the production of chocolates, ice cream, cakes, buns, cheese products and other palm oil imported from Malaysia and Indonesia. At the initiative of the Baltic food Union Eurasian Economic Commission is considering more stringent requirements for palm oil in terms of its peroxide value (a measure of oxidation) in the unified health requirements of the Customs Union. If today the number is 10 micromoles of active oxygen per kilogram, which corresponds to internationalth code of food standards, it is proposed to reduce to 0.9. If the document is accepted, then all the domestic maslozhiroviki stand. Hardest hit is the GC "Efko".

"The introduction of the specification will eliminate the possibility of oil supply as the oil and fat raw materials directly from the countries of Southeast Asia and increase reliance on imports of similar products from EU countries, mainly from Germany and the Netherlands", - says CEO of GC "Efko" Evgeny Lyashenko. GC "Efko" - is more than 30% spetszhirov market. In addition to the Civil Code "Efko" to large companies - manufacturers are spetszhirov Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant and holding "Solar Products".

If the new standard for palm oil will be put, this would mean a ban on its supply. The oil will be processed in Germany and the Netherlands, as well as to us will begin to romp about the finished product.

Russian power in that 50 billion rubles invested in recent years., Just do not need. To carry palm oil with a peroxide value of 0.9 micromoles per kilogram, need special tankers, and very few of them, Russia is not at all.

Baltic Union food belongs to LLC "Soyuz-TTM", a company affiliated with the corporation "Soyuz" (revenue 3.7 billion rbl. In 2013) with a share of 5% fats and oils market. "Union" carries oil from Holland, often already partly processed, where her parent structure Leaderland TTM BV Company controls Sergei Vasilyev, the founder of "the Kremlin Suppliers Guild." The representative of the "Union" Valery Baranov commented on his fight against palm oil, "Which candy would you give mom a birthday - the ones that are made in the palm oil transported in the tank out of gasoline, or oil on the guests?"

At the central TV channels have already passed several programs about the dangers of palm oil. "Union" claims that palm oil - technical and Russia it is often transported in oil tankers, so such a product can not be consumed.

In this situation, Marina Sechin offers the possibility to save the oil and fat industry and engage in the supply of palm oil in special tnkerah spetszhirov or supplies from the Netherlands and Germany. The "Rosneft" has export terminals in Nakhodka, De-Kastri, Tuapse and Arkhangelsk. In GC "Efko" in Taman port has its own refining capacity.

Basil Bormatin, representative of "Sun Products", states that the ban on the supply of palm oil in Russia will not affect his company, because it can be replaced with sunflower oil. "Sun Products" - the number two player in the Russian market of sunflower processing. At the same time, according to "Spetsagroucheta", JSC "Fat Plant", a member of the group "Sun Products", the second player on the import of palm oil with a share of 14%. "Today, one of the niches in the fat and oil opte - it is the purchase of oil for future biodiesel production. Our oil, mainly rapeseed, Germans buy to produce fuel for Lufthansa, - said Vasily Bormatin. The Russian airline is flying on gasoline and biodiesel is not used, therefore, to evaluate the business margins difficult. It will take the state program, to begin the transition to this form of thePliva. But today, in different regions of our country, there are programs to transfer to biofuel boilers. It Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Novgorod regions. Through OOO "KES" and LLC "Consortium" Energopromfinans "Marina Sechin is currently 20% in OAO" Vologdaenergosbyt "and 16.16% - in OAO" Arkhangelsk Retail Company ". And each of them is a major regional power company sales. Thus, a new commercial structure Marina Sechin could become a supplier of raw materials for biofuels for energy companies in these regions. "The arrival of the player in the industry with the help of administrative resources to achieve subsidies to producers of oilseeds, - hopes to one expert. - If the meat and milk of the state subsidizes, our industry is considered to be cost-effective and does not need help. "