Officials and MPs are in no hurry to give up foreign property

Two branches of the federal government reported on income and property for 2015.
On Friday, on income and property for 2015 almost simultaneously reported the two branches of the federal government. Revenues of Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev have increased (respectively, from 7.7 million to 8.9 million rubles., And from 8.1 million to 8.8 million rubles.), But major acquisitions neither of them in 2015 did not.

In the Kremlin, the richest was the first deputy head of the administration Vyacheslav Volodin (see. Table). Most of his earnings - this income on deposits and securities, explains the source surrounded by Volodin: interest rates were higher than in 2014, which explains the increase in income. Second place at the President's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, increase revenues by 4 times. At the request of "Vedomosti" on the sources of growth Peskov did not answer. His wife Tatiana Navka became the richest Kremlin's wife (89 mln.) And helped win Peskov "family competition" with a total income of 125.7 million rubles. International Real Estate was discovered in the Kremlin at the same Navki (US flat) and presidential aide Andrei Fursenko wife (apartments, parking and storage room in use in Latvia).

At the White House more than anyarabotal Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, celebrate and love for the unusual transport for officials: it has four motorcycle, helicopter and snowmobile. Four cars has declared Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin (including Bentley Arnage and Jaguar Daimler), and the Ministers of Education and the Caucasus, Dmitry Livanov and Lev Kuznetsov own yachts. Among the female lead wife of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, received 141.3 million rubles. against 50 million in 2014. Foreign real estate declared, in particular, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov (in Austria and the UK), Olga Golodets (Italy and Switzerland) and Alexander Khloponin (in Italy).

In the State Duma the wealthiest again become United Russia Leonid Simanovskiy increased its revenue by 2.4 times, Nikolai Fighters - 1.9 times, and Alexander Skorobogatko - once in 196 times (from 3.8 million to 745 million rubles.), Explaining this "donation from close relatives." The richest woman is also found in the "United Russia": the spouse of Alexander Kretova earned 333.5 million rubles. The income Chamber leaders and faction leaders are not so much increased. Thus, the salaryState Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin has grown from 7 million to 9 million rubles, and United Russia leader Vladimir Vasiliev -. Total 400 000 rubles. (From 5.3 million to 5.7 million). Almost 2-fold increased income of the first deputy chairman of the Chamber, United Russia Alexander Zhukov. "At the end of 2014 I became a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). During 2015 he paid my travel expenses related to the activities of the IOC, and since these amounts exceed the established norm in Russia, then I have to pay income tax, "- said" Vedomosti "Zhukov.

Property Abroad declared 18 deputies' families, mainly the United Russia: in particular, a house in Spain have the wife of Nikolai Valuev, Boris Zubitsky wife has an apartment in Switzerland, and the wife Valery Yazev - land and a house in Cyprus. Three apartments in Spain in Arcadia Ponomarev, two sites and a house in Spain recorded at his son chairman of the budget committee Andrei Makarov, Mikhail Slipenchuk declare an apartment in France and a house with a plot in the Congo. Husband of Olga SR Krasil'nikova reported a house in Montenegro, the opposition Ilya Ponomarev and Dmitrievichs Gudkov - respectively about an apartment in Latvia and apartments in Bulgaria. The most expensive vehicles too, the representatives of the "United Russia" Gregory Anikeeva several fishing boats and a helicopter, and Vladislav Reznik - 18 cars (including the Maybach 62S and four Mercedes-Benz), 10 all-terrain vehicles and 10 trailers.

The Federation Council is competition on income (more than 1 billion rubles.) Turned out to be a co-owner of one of the largest fishing companies in Kamchatka "Okeanrybflot" Valery Ponomarev. House Speaker Valentina Matviyenko after last year's 160 million rubles. (From the sale of apartments) was limited to 21 million. Vyacheslav Fetisov and his wife still own the site and home to the US, but the wife of the first deputy chairman of the Chamber of Nikolai Fedorov from the plot and a house in Greece escaped.

There is a tendency to reduce the declared property abroad, the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee Kirill Kabanov "In my opinion, the officials should not be a property abroad, because their task - to protect the public interest, rather than the software itself maximum comfort and livedof abroad after retirement. " While such a property they have, but "for the year can not be changed consciousness." The expert also noted that the Declaration become fatter because officials "realized that for the non-declaration can be held accountable."