Petrov conceived to push Pumpyansky aside

State Duma deputy quarreled with Rossel, and is planning a new election campaign.
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Sverdlovsk State Duma, United Russia, Alexander Petrov moves away from the Federation Council Senator Edward Rossel, thanks to the support he got in the federal parliament. Instead of sharing with Rossel project "Ural biomedical cluster," which was the basis Petrova campaign in 2011, the State Duma decided to create a technology park in Novouralsk. The son of a parliamentarian Alexander Petrov argues that enterprise, consisting in the industrial park, and will continue to work within the cluster. However, according to, MP family, rather than maintaining relations with Rossel decided to strengthen the link with the current governor Yevgeny Kuyvashevym that Petrov could be re-elected to the State Duma in 2016.

On Friday, February 6, Sverdlovsk Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev go to Novouralsk, which will host the opening of medical technology park. "The structure of industrial park will include four enterprises: the factory" Medical synthesis "," Dizet "," Ural Center of Biopharmaceutical Technology "and" Ural Center of nanotechnology. " Now these companies are part of the non-profit partnerCTBA "Ural biomedical cluster," but rather a union of political and industrial park - economic. legislation exists in Russia, allowing technoparks receive some benefits, so the union is justified. But even within the cluster, we do not intend to stop work, "- said the chairman of the supervisory board Technopark, chairman of" Juno Holding Board of Directors, "Alexander Petrov-junior.

He is the son of the Sverdlovsk State Duma deputy Alexander Petrov, who several years ago helped create pharmaceutical cluster and was the ideologist of the medical facilities in the region. In particular, the MP was promoting "Triazavirin" antiviral drug, which is being issued to "Medical synthesis".

Non-profit partnership "Ural Pharmaceutical Cluster" (later it was renamed the "Ural biomedical cluster"), according to the "SPARK", was created in late 2010. Alexander Petrov Sr. was its executive director. In fact, this organization, in the framework of the coTorah were merged several medical companies in the region, has become a pre-election platform of Petrov, and in December 2011, after the elections, he received the mandate of the State Duma deputies.

According source close to Petrov, a key role in his political career has played former Sverdlovsk Governor, and now the Federation Council Senator Edward Rossel. "With support for Rosell Petrov hit the party list of" United Russia "and was held in the State Duma. But after that relationship began to deteriorate. So much so that the company associated with the family Petrov, did not regularly pay the membership fee in the "Ural biomedical cluster," the chairman of the supervisory board which is Rossel ", - said the source According to information published on the website of the cluster, it includes more than 20 companies. In addition to the group of companies related to the family Petrova, the cluster also includes a group of companies "Denas" brothers Alexander and Sergei Ryavkin.

Rossel himself confirmed, that some companies do not pay fees, which is a violation of the statute cellsAstaire. "We are taking stock of the year on 13 February in the draft decision of our gathering - to expel those businesses that do not pay dues," - said Rossell. He did not list specific companies and denied reports that they are deteriorating relationship with Petrov.

The son of a parliamentarian Alexander Petrov told, that all enterprises cluster, known to pay him fees. "But in the cluster there are companies that are not always paid dues. For example Tyumen pharmaceuticals plant. Perhaps we are talking about it, "- he said. Comment of the deputy of the State Duma to take could not - he did not respond to calls. source familiar with the situation says that Novouralsk Technopark - a preparatory stage for the State Duma elections, which are scheduled for 2016. "Now Petrov Kuyvasheva important support, not Rossel. He planned to run for the Kamensky district, and for this you need to move the [Chairman of the Board "Sinara" and TMK] Dmitry Pumpyansky, which in this county have their own interests ", - said the source According to, in moleculesuarah governments of the region discussed the information that Pumpyanskiy ready to support as a candidate for the State Duma Mikhail Cherepanov, Vice-President of the Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. "If the choice is between the interests Pumpyansky and Petrov, forces are unlikely to be on the side of the latter," - said the source