RBC Investigation: why Medinsky needs the Military Historical Society

The Russian military historical society under the leadership of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky is busy with major patriotic projects. RBC found out, who gives it money and what do the minister's friends have to do with it. 
Origin source
Culture Minister Vladimir Medina became interested in military history as a child, reading "the book of the future commanders." He even tried to enroll in a military school - was not on sight. But now he has a favorite child - recreated in 2012 by decree of Vladimir Putin, the Russian military-historical society (RVIO). Medina became its chairman.

Borodin's Day

In June 2015, in the village of Borodino outside Moscow opened a children's military-patriotic camp: playing "Blue Scarf" Teens in uniform during the Second World War, stood guard at the entrance to the famous field, working field kitchen, on a hastily knocked together onstage band MIA.

Mustache curls costumed Hussars, moved up on the uneven bars athlete with a medallion in the shape of Old Slavic talisman-Kolovrat. Strong young men in the military, "figure" with colored camouflage paint faces showed unarmed combat techniques, as musical accompaniment played the song "The Sky of Slavs" group "Alisa". Fifty tents were decorated with a variety of flags: the Union of Russian ParatroopersFund "Warriors of the Motherland," Donetsk People's Republic.

Organized Camp All-Russian social and state organization "Russian military-historical society." Chairman RVIO, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medina, enjoyed watching the opening ceremony of the camp - for this he specially flew from Moscow to the helicopter, and young people in uniform greeted him discordant cry, "Good morning, Comrade Chairman!"

Now under the tutelage RVIO 15 military-patriotic camp. In the nearest plans - the organization of three more in the Crimea. "I'll tell you what should be the children's camp. Child need to wake up at seven in the morning, and then make sure that it was 12:00 busy with something useful - enthusiastically tells Medina. - In our case, it will be sports, military-applied classes, classes on military history and literature lessons in the history of his native land. In the evening - the right film. " RVIO tools allow to translate into reality patriotic projects: in 2015 only from the federal budget of the Company will receive 325 million rubles.

In RVIO in Medina has its own spacious office - the minister called here exclusively chairman. Society, explains its executive director Andrei Nazarov, has been created, including the initiative of Medina. Rollers RVIO twist on the multimeter screen on Novy Arbat, the society an impressive board of trustees headed by deputy chairman Dmitry Rogozin government (he did not answer the question about their functions to RBC in RVIO).

The Council - Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, head of the FSO Yevgeny Moores. As well as business leaders. The head of the Civil "Renova" Viktor Vekselberg, who, according to him, has donated about 30 million rubles. the monument to the heroes of World War I set RVIO in Kaliningrad. The main shareholder of AFK "Sistema" Vladimir Yevtushenko - in the "System" RBC confirmed the company's participation in RVIO activities. One of the founders of the company "Wimm-Bill-Dann" David Yakobashvili, who told RBC that the two years of existence RVIO sacrificed him over $ 1 million. The Chairman of the board of OAAbout "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev (refused to comment RBC) and the President of JSC "Russian Railways" Vladimir Yakunin. (In the press service of Russian Railways told RBC reported that OAO "Russian Railways" and RVIO there is an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of joint social and cultural projects of historical and patriotic orientation; as part of this collaboration in March 2014 in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya hill opened the exhibition "Farewell of Slav history of one song.", and May 8, 2014 on the square in front of the Belarus railway station in Moscow - a sculptural monument of "Farewell of Slav") Scientific Council society headed by the chairman of the CEC of Russia Vladimir Churov.. Only 40 people are working in the Moscow office RVIO.

The society is a separate line in the federal budget: in 2015 the Ministry of Culture grant of 325 million rubles. (In 2014-m. - 285 million rubles), about 40 million of them RVIO spends on administrative costs. According to RBC two sources close to the company, the annual volume of private donations RVIO is about 100-150 million rubles.Budgetary funds, according to the Deputy Executive Director RVIO Vladislav Kononov, go to the restoration of monuments and fraternal graves, as well as to carry out the search of archaeological expeditions, shooting films and writing books. In order to collect private donations there is a separate account: for these funds have erected 40 monuments worth between 10 million to 100 million rubles. each.

Among them - a monument to the heroes of the First World War and the monument to the front dog on Poklonnaya Hill, and temporarily suspended the construction of the monument to St. Vladimir. The initial "residence" of the monument on the observation platform, Moscow State University was suddenly canceled. It turned out that the site preparation cost is much more expensive than the construction of the monument: 405 million against 100 million rubles. RVIO appealed to the Moscow City Duma with a request to find another place - Vladislav Kononov told reporters that it should be the historical center of Moscow.

RVIO have about 40 branches across Russia, one of the most active - Kirovsk: over the last year here at the sites spend 10 million rubles. private donations. Chapter locallyBranch of Governor Nikita Belykh in conversation with the correspondent of RBC said that society periodically donates his salary to 130 thousand. rub.

According to RBC's source in the Ministry of Culture, "when the question of raising money for a monument to the heroes of the First World War, the federal theaters were ordered to play one spectacle in favor RVIO". Executive Director RVIO Andrei Nazarov, formerly assistant to Medina in the State Duma, said: all donations have been made on a voluntary basis.

RVIO provided advertising and informational support to the film "Batalon". The tape is dedicated to the female battalion that took part in the First World War battles. He produced the film former chief humorous show "Dr. Angle" Igor Ugolnikov, one of the main roles played by actress and State Duma deputy from the faction "United Russia" Maria Kozhevnikova.

Premises for offices Military Historical Society looks at the expense of the Ministry of Culture, says RBC interlocutor, who previously worked at one of the ministry's departments. This information ConfirmationAET Boris Mezdrich until recently worked as director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre: "The representatives of the Ministry of Culture called me and asked to allocate 100 square meters. m in the theater for the Novosibirsk branch of the military-historical society. We found them a room of 36 square meters. m. Necessary documents for registration of the lease, we were sent to the Ministry. " In March 2015 Mezdrich was fired after a scandal with the production of the opera "Tannhäuser". Head of state support of art and folk art Irina Tarasova has not responded to questions about the RBC.

Medina personally oversees all directions RVIO; once a week, on Tuesdays, Minister of hours the machine is in a mansion in the Archangel Lane is chairman discusses important issues.

Military history of

"And uncles and grandfather, all fought," - said the minister told RBC. His father Rostislav Medina retired with the rank of Colonel - the family moved from the garrison to garrison, and only in the late 1980s and settled in Moscow.

"Medina is always keen on military history and gave DOCUMENTyou're in the Moscow Higher Military Command School. Of the Supreme Soviet ", - he says of Medina, his former business partner, director general of the news agency TASS Sergey Mikhailov. They met at MGIMO. Going into the contest, 21 people to a place in one of the most prestigious universities of the capital, Medina did not betray his dream: studying at MGIMO, constantly attended public lectures of History Faculty of Moscow State University. "He remembered all the battles, who, where, when, of all the Russian tsars. He's a phenomenal, amazing memory ", - says Mikhailov.

The MGIMO student Medina received the highest, Lenin scholarship, was a member of the Komsomol committee of the Institute, and in early 1990 was awarded the very prestigious distribution - secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Washington. But the Soviet Union collapsed, and in 1992 Mikhailov, Medina and several MGIMO graduates founded the Moscow agency "Corporation I," take a advertising and PR, and quickly became one of the largest: with customers - a financial pyramid MMM, at that time large Tveruniversalbank and Autobank. Many colleagues in the "Corporation I," Medina work numberth with the Minister until now - unlike the very Mikhailova.

"On the one hand, we were in equal shares [30%] and the like together to start a business, but on the other hand, at least formally, I was the boss, and psychologically ... it probably strained" - describes the work with Mikhailov himself Medina in his book "From the creators of the cult." In 1993, it was created PR-agency "Mikhailov & Partners": 51% of the fund received the "Corporation I," 49% - Mikhailov.

"We parted due to the fact that Volodya [Medina] always wanted to do a pragmatic business - advertising, dental offices. He wanted to develop a dental business, I did not want to do it, because I do not like to treat the teeth ", - says Mikhailov. Yes, it confirms the Minister, a dental office with Mikhailov opened, but then did not get. Until 1998, Medina led the JSC "Corporation I," then went into politics.

"Medina came to me for an interview, after a short conversation, I took it to work as an advisor on information policy", - says ex-governor of the KaliningradRegion Georgy Boos, in 1998 held the post of Minister of the Russian Federation on taxes and duties.

"When Yevgeny Primakov had resigned, I also resigned and Medina with me - says Boos. - Then Volodya worked with me in the campaign headquarters "Fatherland - All Russia" in charge of PR-direction. I am in a sense made him a proposal for a political career, first proposed to the State Duma, and in 2003, in charge of elections in Moscow from the "United Russia" has asked the executive committee to lead to Moscow. "

It happened so succinctly commented Medina transition of PR in politics. As a State Duma deputy from the "United Russia", he participated in a number of legislative initiatives, by clumping ironically advertising business: the author of the amendments made to the federal law "On Restriction of Tobacco Smoking" and became a co-sponsor of the bill, reduce tobacco advertising.

"In the 90s patriot Medina looked great: he was very systematic, moderately greedy, talented, creative, - says Sergey Mikhailov. - He is a man who knows how to takesolutions - you can bet they are popular or not. "


With RBC correspondent Vladimir Medina found in a two-family house not far from Chistye Prudy (an object of cultural heritage of federal importance "of the House of the XVII century", the case №2). Here it is the Russian military-historical society (he also owns a house in Lavrushinsky Lane - there are exhibition "Mediapalaty RVIO"). Imperial Russian military-historical society existed in Russia before the revolution. Medina does not hide: he dreamed of recreating the society for a long time and, being a deputy, addressed such a proposal to the authorities at various levels.

During a conversation in the hands of the minister turns the phone in a cover with a picture - Putin in sunglasses. On the President Medina speaks with enthusiasm, considering it "an absolute genius of modern realpolitik." Putin himself in 2013, met with the participants of the constituent congress RVIO.

Five high-profile initiatives of the Minister of Medina

year 2012

Rename the streets of Moscow, named afters "revolutionary terrorists" Voykova, Khalturin and Zhelyabova, in honor of the victims, including the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and his wife Elizabeth Feodorovna.

year 2012

Interred the body of Vladimir Lenin, "with all due state rituals, honor, military salute," and to make the museum in the mausoleum "with expensive tickets" of Soviet history.

year 2013

Complete Russian history illuminated to create a single school textbook 2000: "Let us remember how to write the history books in Tsarist Russia. The reigning ruler did not get into the history books, it was thought that this is not the story of our time. "

year 2014

Support the domestic film industry through the introduction of quotas for foreign films rental and shown in cinemas Russian films only during school holidays.

In the office of Medina - battle pictures on the walls and bronze statues of soldiers, lovingly placed on a wooden hill. Correspondent of RBC, he presents the latest edition of his book, "The War. Myths of the Soviet Union. 1939-1945 ", the exthe inclusive edition of the album format. The first book about the history of Russia, he said, he wrote in the "dashing 90": Intercultural prevailed then libertines irritated him, but like a true PR man at the time he "engaged in business".

In August 1991, Medina was even one of the White House defenders. "There was a correspondent of" Russian newspaper ". We printed leaflets, distribute them in a crowd, standing in front of the White House. Veli propaganda "- he is nostalgic. Now the word "liberal" Medina frowns: "I believe that this word is dishonored and spat upon. His discredited people who consider themselves liberals, those not being. Who we liberals, you tell me? Internet hysterical, and their idols? This is not the Liberals, this totalitarian sect - tolerance on the part of those who are commonly called obscurantists and reactionaries, much more tolerant and objective so-called liberals. " He is sure that "sect" hates RVIO perfect hatred.

Medina used to work with those who trust - in business, in the ministry, in the military-historical society. "It's called a team. I gorzhuss the fact that the 90 - scary thought for almost 25 years - we are working and support relationship ", - the minister smiles, calling these people" golden fund of integrity, honesty, integrity. "

gold reserve

This "fund" - the sister of Minister Tatyana Medinskiy. A graduate of the Finance Academy under the Government of Russia, she worked as executive director of the "Corporation I" until March 2012, and since December 2014 has served as deputy director ROSIZO, museum and exhibition center, subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture.

In 2015-m ROSIZO together with RVIO hosted the exhibition "The defenders of the Fatherland. Military-historical theme of lacquer miniature painting "," front-line drawing and poster, "" The interior space of the war. The Siege of Leningrad in Photographs "and others.

Turning to office in ROSIZO, Medinskiy published a declaration: its revenue for 2014 exceeded RUB 26.2 million. (Brother of earnings for the same period amounted to 15.8 million rubles.). In Tatiana property - two land plots with total area of ​​18 acres, half of wilogo home area of ​​458.5 square meters. m, nine apartments, three garages.

According USRLE minister with his wife Marina and Tatiana Rostislav father owns the company "NS Immobilare". According to the Unified State Register, the company owned premises of 414, 138 and 135 square meters. m in the building on Vernadsky Prospekt, 37, rented. Also, "NA Immobilare" is the managing company JSC "Euro-Insight" - the owner of the building area of ​​3323.5 square meters. m in a house on Vozdvizhenka Street, 7, having the status of a cultural heritage site. Previously this address was CJSC "Corporation I am." Marina Medinskiy through the company's "Encore Development", "Alt" and "Blackthorn Realty" has a non-residential area of ​​1178 square meters. m in the business center class B on Butlerov street, 17 (½ share belongs to Medinsky) building in 1377 square meters. m Dubininskaya street and placed in the 195 sq. m in the house at Michurinsky Ave., 34 (there is a mini-hotel "Lomonosov", where Tatiana Medinskiy, she said, was building hotel job).

Rent - the only business that has remained in the family, says Medina. "All zaraBotha revenues of the acquired property, and this is how, over the years, there was a fund. Property leased, used as a business ", - says Tatiana. According to SPARK-Interfax, Tatiana Medinskiy led advertising agency "Art Bureau", which, in turn, owns 50% of the company "Kinovek": since 2012 "Kinovek" the Ministry of Culture has received grants in the amount of 495 thousand rubles.. As RBC Tatiana Medinskiy said the company "Art Bureau" it acquired in 2011; that "Art Bureau" own half "Kinoveka" Tatiana "learned from an article in the" Gazette "and right after that," asked the new management "Art Bureau" to clarify this issue and to withdraw from the founders of the company "(a copy of the letter on 08/06/2015 at RBC have available).

Tatiana Medinskiy is planning to do business in parallel with the work in ROSIZO. In this position it invited Zelfira Tregulova, who led ROSIZO until February 2015 (now runs the Tretyakov Gallery). My brother did not know anything about the appointment, says Tatiana. "The fact that my sister works in ROSIZO I learned last & raquo ;, - says the minister. "I think Tregulova inviting me, guided by the fact that not everyone is ready for a little money to work as accustomed to business", - says Medinskiy.

Colleagues and friends

Father Vladimir and Tatiana Medina listed Rostislav advisor to the Chairman of the Russian military-historical society. In RVIO respectfully called him the general. He restored the Spitak and Chernobyl, "was Czechoslovakia-68 and Afghanistan," says his son. In a society Rostislav Medina "working part-time." When asked if he sees this as a conflict of interest, Medina, Jr. says: "What is your twisted logic. Yes, I am proud that my father is here! "

Previously Rostislav Medina worked as the executive director of the "Corporation I," and even became its main shareholder in 2003: Vladimir Medina rewrote its 65% his father, becoming a deputy.

With RVIO collaborated Medina and other colleagues in the advertising business. Thus, the executive director of the fund RVIO endowment (volume of 300 million rubles. October 31, 2014)According to the register, it is Elena Krechetova. "Krechetova know for many years, she worked with in my early 90's, - said the Minister. - What is important from the endowment RVIO money is for nothing stood out: they are just piling up. " According to SPARK-Interfax, Krechetova - the owner of "Media Consulting." From 2012 to 2015, the company has won several tenders the Ministry of Culture and its subordinate organizations, totaling about 8 million rubles. Krechetova did not answer the question of RBC. "As part of the customer" Media Consulting "a large number of Russian and foreign companies, with which there are long-term relations and cooperation. Krechetova appointed head of the endowment fund in 2015. By the nature of the activities of these organizations have nothing to do ", - told the correspondent of RBC in the Ministry of Culture.

State Secretary and CEO RVIO until recently was considered a classmate and partner Medina Minister for "I Corporation" Egor Moskvin (according to SPARK-Interfax owners of JSC "Corporation I" are Egor Moskvin (31%) and Rostislav Medina (69%).

According toRegister, Egor Moskvin is also a co-owner of "Arsenal" (renting the property), the other co-owner - wife of the Minister Marina Medinskiy. As we found out RBC recently Moskvin was appointed director of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum (the Forum Directorate confirmed this fact, Moskvin did not respond to questions about RBC).

Egor Moskvin

He was a "AvtoVAZagregat 'board of directors, one of the largest suppliers of components for the Togliatti automobile plant. The owners at the time were of "Lada-Inter-Service-Investment" (FOX-I, 75%) and ZAO "Rusinkor" (25%). According to the quarterly report "AvtoVAZagregat" for the second quarter of 2009, 77.5% "Rusinkor", in turn, owned by co-founder of the law office "Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners" and classmate of Vladimir Putin, Nikolai Egorov. FOX-owned and Inna Sychev (wife of the former general director of "AvtoVAZagregat" Sergei Sychev, 55%) and Alla Volkova (the wife of the deputy of the State Duma Yuri Volkov, 45%). According to SPARC, Volkova until June 20,'14 Is co-owner of the company "NS Immobilare" (renting the property), the other co-owners were Egor Moskvin Vladimir Medina and wife Marina (currently it owns 90% of the company, the remaining 10% - other members of the family of Medina). With Moskvin and Medinskiy Volkova owns "3M-Invest" ( "Lomonosov" mini-hotel).

In Medina also supported the Ministry to your "golden fund". Position takes his first deputy Vladimir Aristarkhov - a former member of the party "Fatherland" and coordinator of the youth policy of the Moscow Region regional department of the party "United Russia". Public Adviser to the Minister is the brother of Vladimir Andrei Aristarkhov - before he was involved in the construction project Millhouse Capital Roman Abramovich and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Moscow Refinery.

In 2014, Andrew Aristarkhov took over as chairman of the board of JSC "Restoration of the company" (created in 2014, is designed to unite the restorers FSUE "MNRHU" NPF "Resma" Institute "Spetsproektrestavratsiya" and JSC "Centrestoration "). Vladimir Aristarkhov did not respond to questions about RBC, RBC said Andrew Aristarkhov told that his appointment was not inspired by his brother, and "Restoration of the company" does not have a direct bearing on the Ministry of Culture and engaged in the restoration of objects both urban and federal levels.

Andrew Aristarkhov

In 2007, Andrew Aristarkhov established CJSC "West Park", which is engaged in the construction of prefabricated buildings made of sandwich panels. In 2012, Andrew was appointed advisor Aristarkhov Minister of Culture Medina, a former general director of "West Park" Irina Ponomareva established company "Vesta Park Project", which soon began to receive contracts subordinated to the Ministry of Culture institutions to renovate historic buildings. In 2014-2015, "West Park Project" won eight tenders for 1.184 billion rubles. Also Aristarkhov enters the studio's board of directors "Lenfilm", which is a large-scale reconstruction. "Aristarkhov Andrey really served as General Director of" West Park project. " According toeysya in open sources of information, "Vesta Park Project" did not win a single tender in the Ministry of Culture, we do not know about tenders won in subordinated institutions. Mr. Aristarkhov is not a public servant, the conflict of interests in the activities of AV Aristarkhov there is no "- told RBC correspondent, the press service of" Restoration of the company. "

Statement by the United FSUEs restoration comes with problems: in June on the Internet was taken treatment specialists of FSUE "MNRHU" to Putin. As a result of the merger with OJSC "Restoration of the company" "reduction in the number of contracts, not all employees are provided with work, and slows down the process of decision-making", - wrote the restorers.

The present Commissioner

"RVIO not me, but the country needs. Just as it is necessary to correct, patriotic cinema ", - explained the Minister told RBC.

Medina - from the formation of active military ideology, this Commissioner, why Vladimir Ilyich phrase "of all the arts for us the most important yavlyaetsI film and circus as illiterate people, "understood as a guideline, except, of course, the word" circus ", assured the Minister of Culture longtime opponent of the chief editor of the magazine" Cinema Art "Daniel Dondurei. For this reason, says Dondurei, Minister for the first time since 1992, did not give a ministerial department of cinematography in the care of his deputies: "Every significant movement in this area he supervises. Maybe occasionally consults with Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov. " One of the latest proposals in this area - a tax on foreign films in the Russian box office.

Needless RVIO provides "information and advertising" support films "Batalon", "The Battle of Sevastopol," "Twenty-eight Panfilov", a modern version of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The same company is involved in the development of a single school history textbook. Historical books - the second great passion of Medina.

However, the book of the Minister of criticism do not spare normally Thus, "The Wall", dedicated to the events of the Time of Troubles, caused their skepticism, including because of the phrase: "Everywhereadversaries will pursue. On the road - so on the road. And if in sralne catch, and in sralne thrown away, after all. "

Medina says that such attacks for it do not mean anything, for example, his book "War", he sent for review in three departments - Russian Institute of Military History, the Institute of Russian History and the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defence - and received only positive reviews.

People who have worked with the Ministry of Culture Medinsky characterize it as a business and a very active person, not working in a relaxed style of the Ministry of Culture. "He can now thank the person for a good job, and the next day to send in resignation: for example, for six months in the Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture sacked four leaders," - said a source in the ministry.

In October 2014 as director of the state Department of support and folk art Sophia Apfelbaum was fired, who has worked in the Ministry of Culture eight and a half years. "I was one day asked to leave the ministriesVice Rector GITISa in place ", - said RBC Apfelbaum, subsequently passed in Ramtha.

"He needs a quick-quick decisions - it is a huge activity and the desire to change everything" - said a source in the department, subordinated to the Ministry of Culture.

What exactly will change the Medina, you can see search phrases from program documents the Ministry of Culture - prepared by the Ministry in 2014 "State of culture 2013" report and the comments to it Vladimir Aristarkhov (copies of both documents have RBC). For example: "The overall orientation of theatrical innovations can be described as provocative, anti-state, contributing to the undermining of traditional Russian culture, contrary to the spiritual and moral values ​​of the Russian society." Or: "In many exhibition projects carried out ... a mockery of the moral norms of human values ​​..." they "often contain anti-Christian propaganda, anti-Russian and anti-Russian ideas".

According Aristarkhov Ministry still spends a lot of money to supportprojects, the artistic value of which is extremely doubtful, which is unacceptable "in the formation of new approaches." The key idea of ​​the "new approach" Medina formulated in the "manifesto" published in June in the newspaper "Izvestia": if the state does not feed, and does not create its own culture, eventually he will have to feed someone else's army, paraphrasing Napoleon Bonaparte's minister of culture.

"The minister of culture comes to us in a museum looking at the pictures - it is clear that they are not interested in it at all", - said the director of one of the federal museums. "Medina loves military history, it like this theme more than the Ministry of Culture, - explains the source of RBC, who resigned from the Ministry of Culture. - If he had to choose - RVIO or the Ministry of Culture, he would choose one: people culture always whine and moan and RVIO - strong, good guys in caps. "