Rogozin closer to the moon than to the United States

Roscosmos does not plan to sever contacts with NASA and withdraw from the joint lunar program due to the cancellation of Dmitry Rogozin’s visit to the US, explained in the state corporation. The corporation is not going to "act mirror".
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Roscosmos Corporation does not plan to sever contacts with NASA or use other mirror response measures due to the cancellation of the invitation of the head of the corporation Dmitry Rogozin to visit the United States. About this newspaper "Kommersant" said the official representative of "Roskosmos" Vladimir Ustimenko.

“No, all these assumptions about the immediate withdrawal from negotiations with NASA on participation in the creation of the near-moon Gateway station or the waiver of other obligations have no basis. We intend to comply with all agreements and follow the signed documents, ”said Ustymenko.

According to him, "they are not going to act mirror in Roscosmos yet."

Earlier, Deputy Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) on space, scientific director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Lev Zeleny said that the cancellation of Rogozin's official visit to the United States, initiated by NASA, could lead to the disruption of a joint Russian-American scientific mission to Venus.

He explained that we are talking about a project to study the second planet of the Solar System, which involves the creation of a landing station (responsibility lies with Russia), as well as a research complex and a small spacecraft (the US share in the project). The launch of the mission is scheduled for 2026-2027. According to him, in 2014, the parties decided to support this work for the next five years.

The fact that the head of NASA, Jim Brydenstein, canceled and postponed indefinitely the planned visit of Rogozin to the United States in February, it became known on January 5 from a publication in the USA Today newspaper. At the same time, NASA stated that they had informed Roscosmos about this. The state corporation has repeatedly stated that they did not receive official notification.

Brydenstein in his October interview with the TASS news agency said that he managed to temporarily lift US sanctions from Rogozin, under which he has been since 2014, in order to make this trip possible. In addition to his visit to Houston, the head of Roscosmos was to speak at the University of Rice (Texas), which the head of NASA graduated from.