Siemens again wants to Russia

The companies are interested in deliveries of turbines for thermal power plants in the Krasnodar Territory.
Despite the scandal with the supply of Siemens turbines to the Crimea, the German concern continues to develop cooperation with Russia. The company participates in current competitions and is interested in supplying products to the Russian Federation. The Concern can take part in the tender for the supply of turbines for TPPs in the Krasnodar Territory, part of the capacity of which will be used to supply the Crimea.

Siemens is interested in supplying turbines to Russian energy companies, said Deputy Energy Minister Andrei Tcherezov. "Several companies are now holding large contests with the same turbines, and Siemens is participating in them," the deputy minister said. According to him, now the world market began to decline the volume of construction of power facilities. Therefore, the market is expected to narrow for the supply of high-capacity gas turbines. Mr. Cherezov said that Siemens, in particular, is interested in participating in the tender for the supply of turbines for TPP in the Krasnodar Territory on the Taman Peninsula.

As previously reported to Kommersant, the plant's capacity should be 465 MW to close the deficit in the south-west of the Krasnodar Territory in the summer of 2021. The station must start to supply power to the market from December 1, 2020. The selection of investors will be held in 2018. Part of the station's power will be used to supply the Crimea, so the range of potential participants may be limited.

In the technical conditions, it is noted that localization requirements do not apply to the capacity of 305 MW, whereas for 160 MW it is necessary to supply Russian equipment: a boiler, steam and gas turbines, a gas piston engine and a generator. Therefore, the contest in Taman can be divided into two parts and the United Engine Company will supply Russian equipment, where they have already confirmed their interest.

A likely bidder for a localized part of the contract is another structure of Rostek, Technopromexport, which is currently building two stations in the Crimea (940 MW in total). This structure has already announced its intention to participate in the first selection for the construction of the Taman TPP (then no applications were received), and even pre-purchased four turbines from Siemens, which then, in violation of Western sanctions, were transferred for installation to the Crimean stations.

Siemens said in summer that all four of its turbines for Taman were illegally delivered to the Crimea. Therefore, the German concern announced its intention to break license agreements with Russian companies for the supply of equipment for power plants and suspend deliveries under existing contracts with Russian state-owned companies.

However, the president and CEO of the concern Siemens AG Joe Kezer expressed the opinion that it would be wrong because of the scandal with the turbines in the Crimea to treat with suspicion in general to Russia, where the German company has many reliable partners.