The Ministry of Communications insists on concentration camp rules in RuNet

Officials suggest expanding the grounds for pre-trial blocking of Internet sites at the expense of accusing them of "complicity in terrorism."
The Ministry of Communications proposes to amend the law "On Information", adding to the list of grounds for pre-trial blocking of Internet sites "justification and justification of extremist and (or) terrorist activities." The draft changes are published on the website of draft normative acts.

The Ministry points out that in the current version of the law, pre-trial blocking by the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office is applicable only when it reveals the facts of the call for mass riots and the implementation of extremist activities. "Restriction of access to other extremist and terrorist information is carried out within the framework of Article 15.1 of the above law only by a court decision, which does not allow the blocking of sites operatively," writes the Communications Ministry.

In the event that the proposed amendments are adopted, the list of grounds for judicial blocking will also include information that provides justification and justification for the implementation of extremist and / or terrorist activities.

In fact, everything is simple enough with the "justification of terrorism", says Alexander Verkhovsky, director of the Sova think-tank: this is the concept in the Criminal Code, and it says that under the justification of terrorism, one should understand a public statement on recognizing the ideology and practice of terrorism as correct, support. As for the justification of extremist activity, there is no such thing in criminal legislation. However, if it is interpreted by analogy with the existing justification of terrorism, nothing fundamentally changes: even now, in order to recognize the material as extremist, there is no need for an appeal - just some approval, and the words "revolution is necessary" is enough not only to block the resource.

However, only calls for extremism could be blocked without a court, reminds the lawyer of the International Agora, Damir Gainutdinov. And if the proposed amendments are adopted, then it will actually happen with any materials that the prosecutor deems extremist - albeit contrary to the federal law on countering extremism, according to which only the court can decide on the recognition of materials as extremist. And if they can, then they will block, of course: caricatures, anecdotes, patriarch's hours and Navalny's videos, the expert warns.

At the beginning of the year, the chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, offered to authorize the authorities to block extra-judicial extremist sites, citing the successful experience of China. Appeal against the actions of state bodies will be possible in court, he clarified. The press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, then stated that these issues "are undoubtedly subject to deep study", but did not specify the Kremlin's position.