The property of the family of Colonel-billionaire Zakharchenko was confiscated in favor of the state

This is 27 apartments and car places and four cars for 9 billion rubles.
The Nikulinsky court on Friday, December 1, satisfied the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office about demanding property belonging to relatives and acquaintances of former colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko who was in charge of the fight against economic crime in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Vedomosti correspondent reports from the court. Protection of the family Zakharchenko intends to appeal the decision.

The total amount of property Zakharchenko, subject to recovery in the state's income, is approximately 9 billion rubles: these are 27 real estate objects (apartments and car places) in the elite districts of Moscow, as well as four expensive cars registered with relatives and acquaintances of the colonel.

The representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Sergei Bochkarev said that he was satisfied with the court's decision. He recalled that the arrested money would go to the Treasury, the apartments and car parking places - to the Federal Property Management Agency, and the gold bar - to Gokhran. What will happen to the real estate of the Zakharchenko family further - he is not interested in: "ask the Federal Property Management Agency," said the prosecutor.

In turn, lawyer Viktor Yemelyanov recalls that the decision has not yet entered into legal force and the members of the Zakharchenko family have at least a month to collect things. Confiscation is an instrument of pressure on Zakharchenko, from whom confessions are awaited, the lawyer is sure. According to him, on Wednesday Zakharchenko was removed from the charge of abuse of official powers (Article 285 of the Criminal Code), so in his case there were two episodes: taking a bribe and obstructing justice.

Zakharchenko, who supervised the fight against crimes in the fuel and energy complex in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was detained last September on charges of taking a bribe of 7 million rubles. Two more episodes he was charged on February 22, 2016 after the transfer of his case to the Investigation Committee of Russia. During the search of Sasha Zakharchenko's apartment, a warehouse was found with almost 9 billion rubles. in different currencies. The colonel could not explain the origin of this money.

The media on Friday reported that Zakharchenko filed a new charge on three episodes of bribery. According to "RIA Novosti", it is about receiving $ 800,000, a discount card restaurant and about rest in Sochi. "Interfax" referring to the source specifies that a bribe of $ 800,000, as well as a discount card at the restaurant "La Mare" for 3.5 million rubles. Zakharchenko received from restaurateur Copper Duss. Another 800,000 rubles. - from businessman Avsholum Yunayev in the form of payment for rest.

Speaking today in court, Zakharchenko said that FSB officers demanded from him to stipulate himself and other people, threatening to "take hostage" his father (arrested on suspicion of complicity in embezzlement of bank funds - Vedomosti) and take away property from relatives. According to Zakharchenko, the prosecutor's office during the process was unable to provide evidence that it relates to the money of relatives and their property.

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"Representatives of the prosecutor's office question the fact that for 70 years a person who has a higher education and a mathematical mentality can buy three apartments," the colonel said in court during the debate of the parties. He said that he had not managed to defend his doctoral thesis before his arrest: "I have a higher education, I'm a candidate of economic sciences, I defended my doctorate in September, I did not have time to defend myself - I was arrested."