The robbers from Rosgvardia are fed exorbitantly

The Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexey Navalny was outraged by the purchase of food for Rosgvardia at inflated prices.
The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), oppositionist Alexei Navalny, published an investigation in which it is alleged that the delivery of food for the soldiers of Rosgvardia is theft.

The investigation says that in December 2017, by the government's order, the only food supplier for Rosgvardia was LLC "Meat-packing plant" Friendship of Peoples ". With this company, contracts worth more than two billion rubles were signed.

FBK, relying on the data of the State Procurement website, compared the contracts for deliveries of products to Rosgvardia before and after the only supplier was the "Druzhba Narodov" Meat Processing Combine.

Navalny claims, after that, the purchase prices for basic products (for example, potatoes, onions, cabbages) increased several times.

The owner of the Friendship of Peoples, says the investigation, through the chain of companies is Boris Kantemirov, who was previously the head of the Central Archive of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The commander-in-chief of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was Viktor Zolotov, who currently heads Rosgvardia.

Prior to Kantemirov, an enterprise registered in the Crimea was owned by Ukrainian businessman Yury Kosyuk. He claimed that his business was "taken away." "Yes, indeed, control was transferred, let's say, to certain structures close to the leadership of the Russian Federation," Kosyuk's spokesman Alain Kuzmenko said.

FBK claims that for the past few years Kantemirov has held senior positions in the companies of businessman Boris Vaninsky. Vaninsky's structures were sold to the charitable foundation "Dar", mentioned in the investigation of FBK "He is not Dimon".

On the basis of all of the above, FBK concluded that the beneficiary of "schemes involving the closure of all food Rosvardia to the meat factory" Friendship of Peoples "is Medvedev or someone from his entourage.