Turkmengaz: Gazprom refused to buy Turkmen natural gas

State-owned Turkmengaz reports that the Russian company Gazprom Export has notified the representatives of the organization on termination of purchases of the Turkmen natural gas.
Origin source
"One of the partners" Turkmengaz "Russian company OOO" Gazprom export "notified of termination in January 2016 receiving Turkmen gas," - says the company's press-service.

It is noted that "at the heart of this solution are the changed conditions in the international gas market, as well as certain economic and financial issues arising from the" export Gazprom "." Turkmengaz ", reporting on the foregoing, notes its willingness to negotiate with" Gazprom Export "on a wide range of issues related to the economic ties between the two economic entities," - added to the concern.

Ran her website of the Turkmen Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry and Mineral Resources announced "Gazprom" insolvent. Later, sources in "Gazprom" reported that "Gazprom" has filed a lawsuit against the Turkmen gas production and distribution company "Turkmengaz" in the Stockholm arbitration.

Recall that Russia and Turkmenistan in 2003 signed an agreement on cooperation in the hagas industry for 25 years. According to it every year in Russia was delivered 70-80 bln. Cubic meters of Turkmen fuel. It is known that in 2006-2008 the Russian Federation in Turkmenistan has gained almost all gas produced by it (41-42 bln. Cubic meters per year), from 2009 delivery fell to 11-12 bln. Cubic meters per year.