Vasily Boyko will improve his financial position at the expense of Rosatom

Scandalous businessman Vasily Boyko-Veliky has every chance to earn tens of millions of dollars on selling to the state a strategically important contractor for the construction of nuclear power plants.
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On the Russian market of engineering services, an interesting message passed almost invisibly (I quote from RBC):

The engineering subsidiary of Rosatom - Atomstroyexport (ASE) is discussing the possibility of buying the contractor Sesame, which is part of the holding company Energoatominzhiniring, Vasily Boyko-Veliky, fearing the bankruptcy of the contractor.

The reason for purchasing a contractor is simple - it is a unique company for Russia, almost the only in the country executor of installation works for the installation of nuclear reactors:

The state corporation justified this decision by the short deadline for the transaction: "it is impossible to conduct a competitive procurement procedure, as the results of due diligence necessary to make a decision to acquire shares of Sesame will not be known until January 2018." This fact will lead to the need to attract foreign subcontractors to foreign projects, the transfer of technical and working documentation for heat installation works and technologies, said in a certificate of justification for the purchase of a single supplier.

"Similar to" Sesame "contractors in the country is no more, - explains the head of the analytical department of the MC" BK-savings "Sergei Suverov. - This company is the successor of the assembly department created in the USSR for nuclear construction, including it participated in the construction of Kalinin NPP. "

Piquancy here adds a fact, who owns such a strategically important company.

Vasily Boyko - Orthodox physicist, raider and patriot

Holding Energoatominzhiniring was established in 2006 by Vasily Boyko, a man of mixed reputation, to serve the interests of the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom). It was a standard scheme, when around the carcass of a state monster, private companies, lumbering with fat chunks of contracts from the lordly table, nestle. Not forgetting, of course, about kickbacks to "good souls" from the bowels of state corporations. Vasily Boyko is by education and initial experience of work as a nuclear physicist, but he gained fame in the business environment in the 90s and zero years as a raider and participant in corporate conflicts.

In particular, in the interests of the oligarchs Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov, Boyko's structure "Your Financial Trustee" fought for the Bratsk Aluminum Plant, the Olenegorsk Ore Mining and Processing Enterprise and a number of other assets. In the early 2000s, Mr. Boyko - as a recognized master of the market for mergers and acquisitions of assets and at the same time a nuclear physicist - was invited to the top managers of Rosenergoatom (part of Rosatom). Actually, after this trip to the leading positions in nuclear energy, Energoatominzhiniring was born. However, to balance the physics, businessman and raider Mr. Boyko failed.

Since 2006, he has become a figurant of a number of criminal cases that have lasted until now, on charges of fraud and raiding (in particular, theft of land shares of peasants in the Ruza district of the Moscow region), served a year and a half behind bars, added his "Great" and hit the condo patriotism and Orthodoxy. The businessman became known to the general public in 2010, when he demanded that all employees of the companies belonging to the "Vash Financial Trustor" holding go to the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" course during business hours or after working hours. And all the employees who are married, but did not pass the wedding ceremony, were obliged to do it before October 14 of the same year.

In short, while Mr. Boyko was in jail, amused himself by playing with a kind gentleman and wresting out land shares from the collective farmers outside Moscow, Energoatominzhiniring worked peacefully in peaceful construction of nuclear facilities in Russia and Iran. Unpleasant scandal involving the holding Vasily Boyko happened in July 2016 on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant.

Belarusian Atomic Monster

In Belarus, up to 98% of the generation of electricity is accounted for by TPPs, operating primarily on Russian natural gas. Plus, the "blue-eyed" republic does not provide itself with electricity: in 2012, for example, electricity consumption in this country amounted to 38.4 billion kWh (including loss on delivery), and own generation - only 30.8 billion kWh . In 2011, the ex-resident and Prime Minister Putin visited Minsk, where he signed an agreement on the construction of the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant by Rosatom. The project cost amounted to 11 billion dollars, of which 10 billion promised to allocate the Resource Federation (according to the data for August 2017, real investments amounted to more than 2.7 billion dollars). It was assumed that the first power unit of the nuclear power plant will work in 2018, the second - in 2020. The payback of the entire project was estimated "by eye" in 15-20 years (that is, by 2035-2040). This is to understand how the RF in general is economically profitable to build nuclear power plants abroad.

Naturally, the appearance of a nuclear power plant near Lithuania has caused a very nervous situation in this republic. It's worth mentioning that the decision of the Russian Federation to participate in this project was cut by a promising project of the Baltic NPP, whose construction in the Kaliningrad region was frozen in 2013. Recall that the Baltic NPP not only solved the problem of electricity shortage in the Russian Kaliningrad region, but also allowed it to export to the markets of the Baltic countries and Poland, which gave preliminary consent to its purchases. Instead, the Russian Federation irretrievably swept billions of dollars into the fiefdom of the "last dictator of Europe" (with a simultaneous decrease in its dependence on Russian gas for $ 500-800 million or 5-6 billion cubic meters per year!), And Lithuania and its neighbors refused to buy in advance electricity from the Belarusian NPP. Absurd?

However, only these scandals did not end. In July 2016, during the installation of the nuclear reactor by the Sesame company, a crane broke down, and a 330-ton machine-vehicle crashed from a height of several meters to the ground. In principle, if it happened in the Russian Federation, then no one would know anything, but the Belarusian and Lithuanian media poured gasoline into the fire of truth. Attempts by managers of Rosatom to justify themselves did not produce any impression on Belarus:

Rosatom subsequently said that the corps did not receive any serious damage: "The maximum we can talk about is the factory paint rubbed on the body due to the friction of the metal lines," said Alexander Lokshin, first deputy head of Rosatom. But the Ministry of Energy of Belarus asked him to replace, and the fallen reactor building was sent to the manufacturing plant - the Atommash plant. Due to the replacement of the hull, the deadlines for the delivery of the first unit of the Belarusian NPP have been shifted from 2018 to 2019 ".

The nuclear reactor had to be dragged back to Volgodonsk to the Atommash plant (this unit is planned to be supplied to Rosatom for the canned Baltic NPP in the Kaliningrad region if the project is reanimated), while Rosatom's additional expenses for manufacturing the new hull amounted to more than $ 400 million . Naturally, no mention of any penal sanctions against the holding of the orthodox raider Vasily Boyko was mentioned. And now Mr. Boyko, who managed to bring Sesame to bankruptcy at the same time as the international scandal (apparently, driving it into a credit hole), has every chance to weld again on the state budget. Is it bad?

Similar stories for ResFed are no exception, rather, this rule. When a strategically important asset falls not just in private hands, but goes to frank scammers, crooks or even gangsters. They are robbing the enterprise and hanging credits on it, pushing the solution of these problems to the state budget. It is enough to look at the so-called sanation of the Central Bank of the Bank "Otkrytie" (owned by oligarchs Vadim Belyaev, Vagit Alekperov, Alexander Mamut and others) and "Binbank" (owned by solar Ingush businessmen Mikhail Gutseriev and his nephew Mikhail Shishkhanov), which is only now estimated at amount to 820 billion rubles.

This is not to mention the typical stories, when almost all business in Russia turns up to Western offshore (mainly in the countries of the aggressive NATO bloc). For example, not so long ago it became clear that the company "Oboronprodkomplekt", created by the "Putin" to suppress internal unrest and prevent a palace coup by Rosgvardia, was fed by rations of low-quality ingredients, the final owner of which was a firm from the United Kingdom. And that's where the numerous high-ranking patriots just looked?

This year our blog wrote about the strategically important Podolsk Electromechanical Plant (PMEZ), which makes hydrodrives for the mobile missile systems Topol and Yars (RS-24), various anti-aircraft missile systems and submarines. The enterprise was plundered and drowned in multi-billion debts by a prominent Dagestan zootechnician and State Duma deputy Umakhan Umakhanov. The plant de facto frustrated the delivery plan of the Russian Defense Ministry missile systems, thereby causing a tangible loss of "Putin's militarization" - the PMEZ did not supply its subcontractors for nearly a year! To replace this plant with some other production in the technological chain is not yet possible.

By the way, Mr. Umakhanov is a relative of the owners of the "Sum" Group Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedovs (close to the head of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev). In the summer of this year, a number of media reported that the man had left the Russian Federation for a reason because of the arrival of the siloviki on the business of the Magomedov brothers on the construction of the Arena Baltika stadium in Kaliningrad. Fortunately, this information turned out to be unreliable: Umakhan Umakhanov continues to work for the benefit of the Russian people in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And in September this year he was even elected deputy chairman of the commission of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on socio-economic and legal issues.