Viktor Zolotov's youngest daughter settled in Albion

The head of the National Guard under prepares an escape hatch in London, where his youngest daughter Darya Zolotova lives and studies. 
Origin source
It is known that the head of the Russian Guards, Viktor Zolotov, who guarded Yeltsin on a tank and Putin wherever possible, jas quite a prosperous family. Houses, apartments, building business. Zolotov's daughter, Zhanna, who owns the 500-meter apartment in the west of Moscow, is directly connected with part of the assets.

But Zolotov has another daughter, whom he carefully hides, and not due to inheritance or transferred property issues. It's all about education and place of residence of his daughter, which were first mentioned by Tatler in December, when it made a rating of the most enviable brides.

[, 06.12.2016, "Rating of Tatler: the most enviable bride 2016": Daria Zolotova. The Google cache save information about elder children of the of the National Guard, Viktor Zolotov: his daughter Zhanna, wife of the "movers and shakers series" produces [Chechihin], and son Roman, a brutal actor of one role in the TV series "Conveying Greetings" with a soundtrack by Igor Korneliuk. To figure out anything about the youngest representative of the family is beyond anybody's power with the possible exception of Edward Snowden. Darya's Instagram is completely secret, and for the dissemination of even innocent information in magazines, dad would beat the child with that very magazine. The general protects his Daria just like his guards protect the peace of the nation. The problem is that Zolotov has a fabulously beautiful youngest daughter. Curls, face, supermodel's figure. She studies both in graduate of the Finance Academy and the University of Westminster. She shows her slender legs on Facebook from London, where Papa's D'Artagnans cannot  yet reach — insert by]

Now Darya Zolotova is 21 years old. When she was still living in Moscow, dad sent her to a prestigious school near his work, across the street from Balchug. Before finishing school, Darya became a model. As every decent girl, presenting herself on the podium, she had a Tumblr acount, but quickly lost interest in it. There's still an archive from 2012, though.

And then dad sent his daughter to London, where she lives and studies in the University of Westminster, leading idle and carefree existence surrounded by London's elite, according to the Facebook page:

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