Yevgeny Urlashov will celebrate New Year in a confinement cell

The Moscow City Court extended the arrest of the former mayor of Yaroslavl until January 3.
The Moscow City Court extended to 3 January 2015, that is actually in the time trial, the arrest of the former mayor of Yaroslavl Urlashova Eugene and his two accomplices, accused of bribery. The court decided that Mr Urlashov under arrest for a year, could disappear by getting freedom and refused to release on bail of 15 million rubles., Who was ready to make the businessman Mikhail Prokhorov.

Complaints Eugene Urlashova and passing him on the case of Dmitry and Alexey Lopatin Donskova lasted almost two days. Protection of the accused on Tuesday proposed to change the measure of restraint for them because they are in custody for a year, and this is a time limit for the defendants. Mr. Urlashova lawyers have offered to release him on bail of 15 million rubles., Who was ready to make the founder of the party, "Civic Platform" businessman Mikhail Prokhorov, or elect his house arrest in Yaroslavl, where it will be considered substantially high- profile case.

The representative of the TFR, in turn, pointed out that, having received freedom, Yevgeny Urlashov may try to hide or exert pressuress witnesses and victims in the case. Moscow City Court of Appeal ultimately decided that all three accused will meet the New Year in jail.

Investigation Department of the TFR in the Central Federal District Evgeny Urlashovu charged with committing crimes under h. 3 tbsp. And 30 h. 6 Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (attempt to bribe a group of persons by prior conspiracy, extortion committed in large scale, getting personally bribe in especially large size). As reported by the official representative SKR Vladimir Markin, according to investigators, in 2012-2013 Yevgeny Urlashov received a bribe of 30 million rubles. from the director of one of the commercial organizations. For this the mayor of Yaroslavl, Mr. Markin said, he promised to promote the sale of the property in favor of this organization owned by another company, shareholder of which is the town hall. From whom it is the mayor received a bribe, the investigation did not specify.

Earlier it was reported that Eugene Urlashov suspected of taking bribes from the director of the company "Yardorstroy" Eduard Albert Avdolyan. However, its amount stood atalarm was only 500 thousand. rub.

Both episodes consequently united in the current year. Yevgeny Urlashov himself was arrested last year. Then he was charged with extortion and receipt through intermediaries at the head of "Radostroy" Sergei Shmelev rollback in the amount of 14 million rubles. in exchange for the conclusion of a contract for the cleaning of streets - the amount of rollback was 6% of the municipal contract.

Former mayor of his guilt did not recognize, considering the criminal case is politically motivated. At the same time his defense drew attention to the fact that the operation to arrest was conducted by the mayor GUEBiPK Interior Ministry, which themselves are now being accused of organizing a criminal community. However, the prosecutor's office and TFR have decided that these cases are not connected.

As the "Civic Platform" supports Eugene Urlashova

In February 2014 the ex-mayor of Yaroslavl Yevgeny Urlashov Fired from his post after allegations of extortion, appealed to the Investigation Committee of Russia (TFR) with a petition for disqualification of investigators who conduct his business. Leaders of the party "Civic Platform", which includes the mastersMr. Urlashov, was going to ask the court to change the preventive measure to Mr. Urlashovu to house arrest - for the sake of the founder of the party Mikhail Prokhorov was ready to give the former mayor of his Moscow apartment.

As mayor of Yaroslavl Eugene Urlashova taken into custody

In July 2013, he was detained by law enforcement agencies of Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov. Later arrested were taken and his staff. They were accused of extorting a large bribe. The opposition said the political order against the only mayor of the Federation, did not take place in the ruling party. In the "United Russia" also asserted that it is necessary to wait for completion of the investigation.