Alexander Shestun bugged real estate for a billion

The new head of Serpukhov district found new criminal assets
The Prosecutor General’s Office filed a new lawsuit in the court on confiscation of the assets of the former head of the Serpukhov district, Alexander Shestun, accused of committing corruption crimes. In April, the requirements were met, according to which the property of the ex-official, estimated at 10 billion rubles, was transferred to the state. Now we are talking about another billion assets, including land plots with an area of ​​3 million square meters. m

The official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office, Alexander Kurennoy, told Kommersant that the supervisory authority had filed a lawsuit in Serpukhov City Court asking the government to bring Alexander Shestun’s new assets to the state. In the course of an additional prosecutor’s audit, it was found that Mr. Shestun actually owned 858 more properties, of which 780 are land in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region with a total area of ​​over 3,064,869 square meters. m and one car.

According to Kommersant’s data, the total amount of the second lawsuit against Mr. Shestun amounted to 1 billion 13 million 982 thousand 268 rubles. and 80 kopecks.

The statement says that 612 real estate objects with a total cadastral value of 688 million 696 thousand rubles should be converted into state revenue, of which 541 objects are land plots in the Serpukhov district with a total area of ​​2,341,147 square meters. m

In addition, the supervision expects to recover 325 million 285 thousand rubles from Mr. Shestun. as equivalent to the property sold by the ex-official and his acquaintances before filing a lawsuit. We are talking about one car and 246 real estate, of which 239 are land in the Serpukhov district with a total area of ​​723,722 square meters. m. This property, noted in the Prosecutor General’s Office, was issued for 25 individuals and 20 legal entities controlled by Mr. Shestun.

It should be noted that this is the second lawsuit filed with the ex-head of the Serpukhov district. The first was examined by the Krasnogorsk City Court, which in April decided to confiscate the assets of the ex-head of the district for 10 billion rubles. The bulk of the estimated 760 properties and 22 cars. Commenting on the court decision, the spouse of the accused, Yulia Shestun, stated that her family was "taken away", "put on the street."