Eurasian Development Bank


Moscow stops subsidizing Belarus


Because of the financial crisis in the Russian Federation, the money "help" to Alexander Lukashenko's regime is sharply reduced. Moscow refuses to Belarus in the next loan and from October, stops duty-free supplies of oil products and gas to this republic.

Belarus plans to build gas generation at the expense of Russia


In addition to the $ 10 billion from Belorussian NPP being constructed due to state credit from VEB, Minsk plans to receive another $ 1 billion from Moscow for a "backup" gas generation at TPPs.

The Moscow-Kazan railway has risen in price to 1.7 trillion rubles


Over the past year, the estimated value of this high-speed highway (VSM) has grown by almost a third. This road will become part of the BCM from Moscow to Beijing, worth 7 trillion rubles.