Financial Times


Vodka "Stolichnaya" ruined Yuri Shefler


The billionaire will have to pay Russia all the profits from the sale of Stolichnaya vodka in Benelux for more than 20 years.

Alisher Usmanov spoke about his life under two bottles of vodka


For the first time in more than ten years, the Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov gave an interview to the Financial Times; he spoke about relations with Putin and Abramovich, sanctions and heirs, and parting with Arsenal.

Viktor Vekselberg fell into total crisis


Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg gave the first big interview after falling under US sanctions. He told why it became for him a “total life crisis”, why he attended Trump's inauguration and why he could no longer be a “man of the world.”

Oleg Deripaska will lure Western journalists


Lawyers of billionaire Oleg Deripaska will create a fund to pay journalists who will investigate the reasons for getting a businessman under US sanctions. The size of the fund is more than half a million dollars.

How Arkady Dvorkovich became a chess king


The Financial Times published an investigation in which it claims that Russia at the state level was trying to push the election of Arkady Dvorkovich as president of FIDE. We have gathered the main facts from this investigation.

Russian officials could receive $ 100 million of "commissions" from the sale of Zaporizhstal


And paid VEB for her money - go to finance the skyscraper Trump.

Navalny called the West to impose sanctions against the real "party of war"


The situation will change when Abramovich and Usmanov will be denied access to their real estate properties in Europe, he said.

Sergey Pugachev called the Russian businessmen "Putin's serfs"


The founder of bankrupt Mezhprombank and former Senator Sergei Pugachev, who was arrested in absentia in Russia, in an interview to Financial Times British newspaper said that the Russian economy is transformed into a feudal system, and businesses own their assets only in name, while actually being "the serfs" of Vladimir Putin, the country's president.