Avetisyan Artem


Modulbank founders squeezed Artyom Avetisyan in a vice


They believe that he illegally enriched themselves in their shares.

Calvi clings to Artyom Avetisyan's family assets in Italy


Baring Vostok asked the court to arrest the assets of Vostochny Bank shareholder Artem Avetisyan and his sister in Italy, an investment fund with a businessman in a corporate conflict over bank control.

The Central Bank will jam Artem Avetisyan for Vostochny Bank


To rectify the situation, the bank needs about 5 billion rubles in capital, analysts say.

Michael Calvey will not feed the bank Vostocny


The fund returns to investors 5 billion rubles collected for the additional issue of bank shares.

Artem Avetisyan’s business reputation remains tarnished


Evaluation judgments, even negative ones, are not a reason to hold the media accountable, the court found.

Founders flee from Modulbank


They sell shares and transfer to another bank of Artem Avetisyan, Vostochny.

Court in London considers Artyom Avetisyan’s business habits unfair


A London court refused to ban Vostochny from conducting proceedings in Russia against Michael Calvey, but found the Finvision methods, which gained control of the bank, to be dishonest.

Artem Avetisyan glanced at the Eye


In the towers of Moscow City, deals are being prepared.

Artyom Avetisyan rewrote reports from Vostochny Bank


After its publication on the regulator’s website, some standards were amended downward.

The Last Hero: WSJ Learned How Calvi Lured To Moscow Before Arrest


Founder of Baring Vostok, Michael Calvi, just a few days before his arrest, flew to Moscow to personally meet with Vostochny Bank shareholders Artem Avetisyan and Sherzod Yusupov, The Wall Street Journal reported. The meeting was scheduled for February 14, and the case against Calvi was filed a day before.

How Michael Calvi and Artem Avetisyan put up with each other in September 2018


They agreed to support the bank, but the world did not last even two months.

Baring Vostok grabbed the bank "Vostochny"


Investment fund candidates were included on the board of directors of the bank against their will.

Michael Calvi moved to Artyom Avetisyan queen


Bank "Vostochny" could withdraw assets.

Artem Avetisyan climbed onto Vostochny Bank with difficulty


Baring Vostok considered it senseless to try a new board of directors and a meeting of shareholders.

Michael Calvi reached for Artem Avetisyan


Baring Vostok Fund wants to oblige Vostochny Bank to hold an extraordinary meeting of shareholders and elect a new board of directors.

Artem Avetisyan showed high patrons


Banker's ambitions can substitute presidential adviser Andrei Belousov.

Artem Avetisyan rooted in the East


Amur court on the claim of his company arrested 9.99% of the shares of the bank "Vostochny".

London court banned Avetisyan's company to continue to sue in Russia


She wants Baring Vostok to exercise a call option for 10% of Vostochny Bank shares.

Artyom Avetisyan hasn’t sung a swan song to Vostochny jar yet


Co-owner of the bank "Vostochny" Artem Avetisyan at the end of 2018 filed a lawsuit in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

The Office of Alexander Bastrykin underestimated the shares of the Calvi case


The initial investor paid 4.4 million dollars for the IFTG shares that caused the arrest of Michael Calvey. The investigation estimated them at 600 thousand rubles. One of the methods gives such a figure, but startups do not appreciate it, experts say.

Shareholders of the bank "Vostochny" came to reconciliation


Shareholders set parity on the board of directors of the bank.

Baring Vostok presses on Artem Avetisyan


The investment funds of Baring Vostok through the court promote the directors to Vostochny Bank.

Artem Avetisyan kept Vostochny bank afloat


His opponents from Baring Vostok withdrew the claim for a corporate dispute after the appointment of the chairman of the bank's board of directors.

Bank Vostochny is not divided into two


The struggle for ownership of a controlling stake in Vostochny Bank between the main shareholders - the funds of Baring Vostok and Artem Avetisyan - turned into permutations in the top management of the bank.

What problems can the bank of Artyom Avetisyan face?


Vostochny Bank has several potential threats to its capital. They are related to real estate on the balance sheet of the credit institution, changes in approaches to accounting and peculiarities of tax legislation.

Artem Avetisyan commits the bank Vostochny


The bank may change its control.

Lonely Avetisyan: ambitious banker loses his team and influence


Last year, Artem Avetisyan, initiated the establishment of the reference bank for SMEs on the basis of "Uniastrum" and "Orient Express." Implementation of that idea will be difficult - the majority of Avetisyan's team will not enter the combined bank, and he's in the minority in the board of Orient Express.