Verkhovsky Alexander


Alexander Verkhovsky became the second fishery operator in Russia in terms of quotas and sales


Ex-Senator Alexander Verkhovsky bought Transfiguration of the trawling fleet (PBTF) from the family of the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako. As a result of the transaction, Verkhovsky became the second fishery operator in Russia in terms of quotas and sales, and relatives of Kozhemyako could keep the fish business no less profitable than PBTF.

Ex-Senator Alexander Verkhovsky became the second holder of quotas for fishing on Sakhalin


The family of the Governor of Sakhalin Oblast Oleg Kozhemyako could get $ 430 million for this.

Roman and the guys: how the team of billionaire Abramovich works


Gold mining, meat production, fishing, modern art - what do people who have worked with a billionaire for more than twenty years.

Roman Abramovich's associates invested in pollock and herring production in Sakhalin


These are the most popular and profitable types of fishing in the Far East.