Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (born 7 October 1952) is a Russian politician who is the current President of the Russian Federation, holding the office since 7 May 2012. He was Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000, President from 2000 to 2008, and again Prime Minister from 2008 to 2012. During his second term as Prime Minister, he was the Chairman of the United Russia Party, the ruling party.

Born in Saint Petersburg, Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281, and speaks the language fluently. He then studied law at the Saint Petersburg State University, graduating in 1975. Putin was a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring in 1991 to enter politics in Saint Petersburg. He moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined President Boris Yeltsin's administration, rising quickly through the ranks and becoming Acting President on 31 December 1999, when Yeltsin resigned. Putin won the subsequent 2000 presidential election by a 53% to 30% margin, thus avoiding a runoff with his Communist Party opponent, Gennady Zyuganov. He was reelected President in 2004 with 72% of the vote.

Katerina Tikhonova will add artificial intelligence IQ


Katerina Tikhonova, whom Reuters and Bloomberg called the “daughter of Vladimir Putin,” led the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, created on the basis of Moscow State University, Putin called the center “one of the most important elements” of the national strategy.

Putin prefers to keep his personal collection of wines in Moldova


The wine cellars in Moldovan Cricova are among the largest in the world, they store rare wines of more than a hundred years old, the remains of Goering’s extensive collection, as well as the wines of the Russian president.

The Crimean bridge to Rosavtodor is not the limit


Federal budget spending on roads to Crimea will exceed 500 billion rubles.

Katerina Tikhonova joined Ksenia Shoigu in the government sports council


Katerina Tikhonova, who is called the daughter of Vladimir Putin, joined the government council, there is already the daughter of Minister of Defense Ksenia Shoigu and the wife of Alisher Usmanov.

The best black friend of Vladimir Putin


How the Russians are helping the Guinean president go for a third term.

Putin spoke about the business of Katerina Tikhonova and Maria Vorontsova


The President of the Russian Federation, in response to a question about when his daughters will become “open to society,” described in detail why he considers their projects important for Russia.

High-tech ombudsman found under the chair of Katerina Tikhonova


First Deputy Head of the Innopraktika Foundation Natalya Popova took the post of public ombudsman for the protection of high-tech companies. “Innopraktika” is headed by Katerina Tikhonova, whom the media call the daughter of Vladimir Putin.

The Putin's ex-wife fund assimilates millions received from abroad


The Center for the Development of Interpersonal Communications Foundation, which is supervised by the ex-wife of the president, has begun the restoration of a German villa in Kaliningrad.

Leonid Mikhelson will not receive state money


In 2020, NOVATEK will not receive a single ruble from the federal budget for its projects. Leonid Mikhelson threatened to disrupt the Arctic LNG-2 project.

Valentin Yumashev told how Yeltsin saw a human in Putin


The former head of the Yeltsin administration gave a great interview to Vladimir Pozner.

New criminal cases take off from Vostochny Cosmodrome


Theft of 250 million rubles during the construction of the launch complex is being investigated.

Katerina Tikhonova’s fund revenue jumped to half a billion rubles


The National Intellectual Development Fund, operating under the Innopraktika brand, increased revenue by 65% last year - to a maximum over the past five years.

How Putin's guards govern


The appointment of security officials as heads of federation subjects only leads to the enrichment of their inner circle.

Unknown billionaire: what the nephew of Vladimir Putin hides from the public


Portrait of Mikhail Shelomov, nephew of the president, owner of a billion dollars and a toilet in the yard

How Russian businesses use the UK for money laundering


Transparency International has released a report on how the UK is used for money laundering and reputation, the document contains examples related to Russia.

Boris Titov put in a word for Vsevolod Opanasenko


The business ombudsman doubted the qualification of the computer transaction of the T-Platform company.

Budget acrobatics for Putin's daughter


The cost of building the Center for Acrobatic Rock and Roll jumped by half a billion.

The invisible gas pipeline of Alexey Miller


Gazprom invest paid one and a half billion rubles for a gas pipeline, which is not there.

Sergey Chemezov became a Hero


The contribution of the head of Rostec to the development of the defense complex is canceled by the title of Hero of Russia.

Classmate Vladimir Putin may be forced to answer for a collapsed bank


Subsidiary liability may befall Nikolay Egorov for the debts of OFK Bank.

FSB presses Valery Izralyt


The service withdrew the businessman’s declaration to prove his guilt.

Resident investor: what friend of Vladimir Putin invests in


Former German intelligence officer Matthias Warnig not only helps projects of Russian state-owned companies, but also owns his own investment business.

The Ministry of Defense will not receive a contract for the completion of the Vostochny Cosmodrome


The management of Roscosmos convinced the president that he would hand over the object on time and without the help of the military.

Sergey Chemezov launched his hand in the state pocket


"Rostec" is trying to get money from the budget for the construction of new aircraft.

Sergey Chemezov asked for money from Vladimir Putin for airplanes


Rostec needs 300 billion rubles to recapitalize the United Aircraft Corporation.

Shell promised Vladimir Putin a full tank


The Anglo-Dutch company will open 260 gas stations within five years.

Chinese buyers imitate Vladimir Putin


President Vladimir Putin has to appear in public with some subject, as visitors to the Chinese IT giant Alibaba begin to look for exactly the same.

Rosneft asked for money for the development of oil fields in the Arctic


In return, he will invest up to 8.5 trillion in the Arctic region.