Colonel General Sergei Shlyakov was not allowed home arrest

Three times awarded by the presidents of the Russian Federation, the former deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was put on suspicion of fraud in the pretrial detention center until September 25.
On Thursday, Tverskoy District Court of Moscow sent the former first deputy head of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia 62-year-old Sergei Shlyakov to the remand prison. The Colonel-General, who was awarded orders by the three presidents of the Russian Federation, is accused of fraud. According to the investigation, he was part of a group of shrews, who received a large sum from ex-senator Yury Udalov for his appointment as governor of the Yaroslavl region, but failed to fulfill his promises.

The night after his arrest, Sergei Shlyakov spent in the IVS on Petrovka, 38, and in the morning the Colonel-General together with alleged accomplices Sergei Onishchenko and Yuri Kuznetsov were summoned for investigative activities. After questioning the suspects, the investigator of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow brought charges against them in a particularly large fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code). According to the investigation, the members of the group "divorced" money from the former vice-governor of the Yaroslavl region, Yuri Udalov, from the year 2015.

After working in the Yaroslavl administration, and then in the Federation Council and the Security Council of Russia, Yuri Udalov in 2015 became an assistant to the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov. His position clearly did not suit, so Mr. Udalov began to look for a new place. According to the investigation, he told his general problems to General Shlyakov, who brought him with Yuri Kuznetsov, a man who enjoyed influence among veterans. Mr. Kuznetsov headed a small charitable foundation, calling himself a veteran of the FSB and SVR.

According to the investigation, Yuri Kuznetsov and his people invited Mr. Udalov to head the Yaroslavl region, which he agreed. In November 2016, he transferred $ 230,000 and 15 million rubles to the dealers, and another $ 550,000 in December of the same year. Yury Kuznetsov gave the receipt for money to Mr. Udalov, and Sergey Shlyakov signed them with his signatures. As it is known, in the year of 2016, a lieutenant from the FSO-MVD Lieutenant-General Dmitry Mironov was appointed the governor of the region, who was elected to this post a year later.

According to some reports, the cutlers promised Mr. Udalov that after the presidential election, Dmitry Mironov will become the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he will be the first candidate for a vacant seat in Yaroslavl. In May 2018, without waiting for the appointment, Mr. Udalov appealed to GUEBiPK, asking to stop the illegal activities of shredders. The actions of the last investigation qualified as fraud, since none of the defendants had any relation to the appointment of the heads of regions.

In court, a representative of the CSG demanded to identify all the defendants in the SIZO, as they could hide and put pressure on witnesses and the investigation itself. To exclude even suspicions of escaping, the defender of the general Ruslan Koblev passed the passport of his client to the judge, however, he was not attached to the case. Mr. Koblev, noting the merits of his client, who took part in a variety of rescue and humanitarian operations, was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, "For Military Merit" and Honor, offered to release him on his own recognizance or place under house arrest in the apartment of his daughter.

I do not need to hide because I'm a public person, "the Colonel-General told the court, adding that he" served with dignity and honesty. "

The defendant said that he had left his signatures on the receipts so that it was clear to whom Mr. Udalov had given the money. The general himself, he said, received nothing from these sums. And in his country house during the search money was not found. And in the transcripts of the talks, which the victim wrote down, there were his conversations with all the participants of the group of riddlers, with the exception of Sergei Shlyakov.

By the way, when on Wednesday morning in his house came with a search, the general was not there, but in the hostel, from where he came to the scene of the investigation. This circumstance became one more reason to be left at large.

"I will take any decision of the court, but I think that house arrest will give an opportunity to prove my innocence," the general said. He was arrested along with other defendants until September 25. Note that Mr. Shlyakov became the second colonel-general in the history of modern Russia, who was behind bars. The first was the former commander-in-chief of the ground forces, Vladimir Chirkin, to whom the court initially gave five years of prison for a bribe, and then, re-qualifying the military for fraud, replaced the term with a fine.