Russian Emergency Situations Ministry


The plant of Iskander Makhmudov burned down in North Ossetia


The electrolit shop of the Electrozinc plant, owned by the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UGMK), has completely burnt out. The population of Vladikavkaz fears caustic chemical emissions.

Magadan is threatened by an ecological disaster in Nagaev Bay


Leakage of petroleum products caused the ecological crisis in Kolyma.

Colonel General Sergei Shlyakov was not allowed home arrest


Three times awarded by the presidents of the Russian Federation, the former deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia was put on suspicion of fraud in the pretrial detention center until September 25.

Colonel General Sergei Shlyakov was caught in a fictitious job placement


The former first deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was detained for fraud in his palace in the Moscow region.

Emergency Situations Ministry revealed the critical situation of firefighters and rescuers


The new head of the department, Yevgeny Zinichev, began raking up the Augean stables of his predecessor. There is a high probability that Mr. Puchkov will go to warm not the chair of the senator in the Federation Council, but the bunks in the SIZO.

The head of the Kemerovo Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Mamontov was detained on the case of a fire in the "Winter Cherry"


According to the investigation, he and his subordinate did not conduct a fire safety audit of the building, which was to be held no later than March 18. In the fire on March 25 killed 60 people, including 37 children.

The accident at the Alrosa mine reduced the company's share price by 4.2%


There was a breakthrough of water in the mine, at the time of the incident there were 151 persons.