Former Prosecutor Assisting FSB Robbery Officer

This is a former prosecutor Konstantin Zharov. He had previously been convicted of robbery.
Origin source
The investigation established one of the alleged organizers of the robbery by FSB officers, as a result of which 136 million rubles were stolen. This was reported by TASS with reference to a source in law enforcement agencies and an interlocutor close to the investigation.

According to the agency, we are talking about a former employee of the prosecutor’s office Konstantin Zharov, who this year was released from the colony. In the Shcherbinsky court of Moscow, TASS said that Zharov was sentenced to eight years in 2016 - also under the robbery article. Later, his sentence was reduced.

“Zharov received 19 million rubles. for participating in robbery and was detained by security forces when he came for the stolen money to the bank, where it was stored in a cell, ”the agency’s source said. Another person involved in the case, Boris Karamatov, is wanted. This was previously written by RBC.

Alfa and Vympel FSB special forces and the K department of the FSB economic security service were detained in Moscow on July 5. According to the investigation, intelligence officers attacked the unemployed Alexander Yumaranov, who was going to exchange 136 million rubles. for dollars at Metallurg Bank. A suspected robbery case was opened against the suspects (part 4 of article 162 of the Criminal Code of Russia). Several defendants pleaded guilty.